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Order The Most Daring of Men Today!'One of the Most Daring of Men: The Life of Confederate General William Tatum WOFFORD'
by Gerald J. SMITH, Southern Heritage Press, Paperback. Biography of an imminent Georgian, Mexican War hero, and one of LEE's favorite generals. Commander of WOFFORD's Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia 1863-64, and Department of North Georgia, 1865. Delegate to 1877 Georgia Constitutional Convention. Paperback, 250 pp. Index. pages, Volume 16, June 1997.
Our Price: $16.95
Customer Comments:
A reader from Murfreesboro, TN, June 16, 1998, said:
"Excellent Book! Needless to say, it has happened again with John McGLONE's excellent Civil War series. ONE OF THE MOST DARING OF MEN by Gerald J. SMITH tells the life of Confederate General William Tatum WOFFORD. ... It is an outstanding work... if you like the Civil War period in this nation's history, you just can't get them any better." Damon VEECH, Times-Picayune, July,1997

John McGLONE, Publisher from Tennessee, C.S.A. , June 15, 1998
"This biography offers a provocative study of one of Georgia's truly great sons, an appraisal which is long overdue."


Order Bartow County, Georgia Today!

'History of Bartow County, Georgia'
by CUNYUS, Hardcover, June 1993, Southern Historical Press.
Our Price: $40.00

Much is written about the WOFFORD family in this volume.

Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks. Please note that titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.


Follows are the source notes that I have in my files on Brigadier General William Tatum WOFFORD. It is indicative of the types of notes I try to maintain in the database. I apologize that they are not in better chronological order. There is more information here waiting to be typed in. If you know of a place that we should link this page to, won't you let me know? Kristi GROSS (subject: Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD) Thanks. --Kristi

Brigadier General William Tatum WOFFORD
Born - Saturday 28 Jun 1823/1824 Habersham Co., GA
Married - 16 Aug 1859
Died - Thursday, 22 May 1884 near Cass Station, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Buried - Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Son of William Hollingsworth WOFFORD & Nancy M. TATUM
Grandson of Benjamin J. WOFFORD and Mary HOLLINGSWORTH and First Lieut. (Rev. War) Edward TATUM and Martha DANIEL.

SOURCE CITATION: "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by CUNYUS.

SOURCE CITATION: Pages 4, 6, 47, 71, 74, 75 and 87 Carl D. LYNCH "A Collection of WOFFORD Genealogical Data (unpublished)".

SOURCE CITATION: Page 61, LYNCH, op.cit., has photograph of him. States he served as a Soldier in the Mexican War plus Brigadier in Confederate Army, Hero of Chancellorsville and the Wilderness. Have notation that he was a lawyer.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 44, CUNYUS, op.cit., states: At the beginning of the Civil War, he {Thomas Hudson BAKER} served as assistant surgeon in WOFFORD's Brigade and commanded Company K in a Georgia Regiment. At the battle of Sharpsburg (BAKER) received a wound while bearing a message from General WOFFORD to Colonel DARROT. Dr. BAKER lived in Bartow, Georgia and never married. See Document No. WOFFORD-37.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 95, CUNYUS, op. cit., states: At the beginning of the war, he {Turner Hunt TRIPPE}, with Gen. W.T. WOFFORD and Col. Hawkins F. PRICE, was elected as Union delegates to Georgia's Secession Convention from this county. They did not yield their convictions of right, but finding a majority of the convention determined to secede, voted that the action of Georgia might be practically unanimous.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 209, CUNYUS, op. cit., states: Cass {County} went overwhelmingly against disunion at the State convention on January 16, 1861. The three representatives, Turner H. TRIPPE, H.F. PRICE, and W.T. WOFFORD, from this county voted 'nay' on every vote cast, but as loyal Georgians they accepted the situation and at once volunteered for Confederate service.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 111, CUNYUS, ibid, states: The Supreme Court of Georgia was organized in 1846 and as it was a perambulating court, the March term and third session was held at Cassville. William T. WOFFORD was admitted as a lawyer to this court.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 155, CUNYUS, ibid, states: In February, 1849 at the urgent suggestion of W.T. WOFFORD, John W. BURKE, the publisher of 'The Athens Banner', came to Cassville to establish a weekly Democratic paper. The first number of 'The Cassville Standard' was published on March 15, 1849. ...As a delegate to the State Union convention in 1852, though not promising to support the Southern Rights party, he (BURKE) had agreed not to run an opposition ticket in his paper. WOFFORD brought out the 'Tugaloo Ticket', so to keep friendship and his word to his party, BURKE sold 'The Cassville Standard' to W.T. WOFFORD in February, 1852. John A. REYNOLDS became publisher with WOFFORD in November. Sometime between 1852 and 1857 Samuel H. SMITH became the proprietor of the 'Standard'.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 146, CUNYUS, ibid, states: W.T. WOFFORD, Trustee for the 'Cherokee Baptist College' in 1858, which was located at Cassville, Bartow County, Georgia.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 144, CUNYUS, ibid, states: W.T. WOFFORD was on the visiting committee which was included in the 1859 commencement announcements for the Cassville Female College.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 163, CUNYUS,ibid, states: The county's delegates to the Secession Convention in January 1861 were William T. WOFFORD, Turner H. TRIPPE, and Hawkins F. PRICE. ...In the process of voting all three voted 'nay', but when they saw the honor of their State at stake, they came home and immediately volunteered their services. Cass {county} as a whole was against secession from the Union.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 163, CUNYUS, ibid, states: In the important Constitutional Convention in 1865, among it delegates was J.R. PARROTT of this county, and at this time Gen. Wm. T. WOFFORD was chosen one of the Representatives from Georgia to the Federal Congress.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 169, CUNYUS, ibid, states: The Cartersville and Van Wert Railroad Company was incorporated in Georgia by an act of the legislature, approved Dec. 13, 1866,...Wm. T. WOFFORD was one of the incorporators.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 102, CUNYUS, ibid, states: John Henry WIKLE in 1865 read law and was admitted to the bar in September 1866, and became a law partner of General W.T. WOFFORD, and was associated with him as receiver of the Alabama Great Southern Railroad, for awhile he was editor of the 'Cartersville Standard' which WOFFORD owned.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 150 & 151, CUNYUS, ibid, states: In 1873 Gen. W.T. WOFFORD set aside a parcel of land for an academy, and for church and Sabbath school purposes, at the cross roads, just east of Cass Station. In 1875 it was called WOFFORD's Academy, in honor of the General, and the building was erected by voluntary contributions. The original trustees were W.T. WOFFORD, W.H. WOOD, John McKELVEY, J.A. MATTHIAS, A.W. ARCHER and J.H. WALKER.

By 1889 all of the original trustees had died but one, and the following were elected: F.R. WALKER, C.M. QUILLIAN, M.M. ROGERS, W.T. GAINES, B.F. POSEY, A.M. STRAIN, and J.H. GILREATH. Professor Matthew MARSHALL was principal from 1875 to 1880. This location has been a strategic point for education.

It later became the Massachusetts-Georgia Model School and at present (1933) is a county school. (Page 59 of LYNCH, op. cit., states: It is now a run down dwelling behind a filling station {gasoline} on Highway 41 north of Cassville, October 26, 1961).

SOURCE CITATION: Page 164, CUNYUS, op. cit., states: In the Constitutional Convention of 1877, Gen. W.T. WOFFORD was a member from the 42nd Congressional District.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 228, CUNYUS, op. cit., states: (The Confederates under General Joseph E. JOHNSTON) in the Battle of Cassville had to act defensively or retreat. They took up a new position on the ridge east of Cassville, the general direction of which is north and south. The intrenched line, cast up that afternoon ...skirted the eastern edge of the cemetery, then dropped southward on the ridge, passing to the west of the Gen. W.T. WOFFORD house site.

SOURCE CITATION: Pages 247 & 248, CUNYUS, op. cit., states under the heading of 'Reconstruction', On a visit home, Gen. W.T. WOFFORD, seeing the condition of this section, begged authorities to allow him to bring his brigade here but at first was refused. On January 23, 1865, by request of his own people, Gov. BROWN, and by his own desires, Gen. WOFFORD was appointed Department Commander for north Georgia.

...Colonel Isaac W. AVERY, in his "History of Georgia", gives an eye-witness acount of the devastations left by SHERMAN in this once favored section. 'Left for months outside the protecting aegis of both governments, the hiding place of guerillas in both armies, the theater of that worst of all strifes that exist between hostile factions, it realized in all its dread malignancy what is meant by a state of anarchy...Strolling bands of deserters and robbers, herded in the mountain caves, made predatory excursions from their fastnesses and in their inhuman collisions and murderous orgies kept up a reign of terror...

...It was a labor of love for General WOFFORD, and he entered upon his difficult duty with zeal. He called in and organized 7,000 men, large numbers of them deserters and stragglers. He exhibited decided executive ability in his work...He obtained corn, which he distributed among the starving people. His cool and resolute tact was the very quality needed for handling the turbulent lawlessness of his section. He sent a flag of truce to General JUDAH, the Federal commander in north Georgia, and obtained a personal conference in which he induced General JUDAH to do the noble act of distributing corn to the starving people whose names were furnished by General WOFFORD.'

...Gen. WOFFORD's headquarters were at Kingston and this station served as the distributing point. He asked for 30,000 bushels of corn, and permission to use government stock scattered over the country. General JUDAH granted all of this.

...On the 12th of May, 1865, Gen. WOFFORD made the last surrender this side of the Mississippi river."

SOURCE CITATION: Page 249, CUNYUS, op. cit., states: In March, 1867, a meeting was held in Cartersville (to discuss Oaths of Allegiance to Andrew JACKSON which was required of all citizens who had fought on the Confederate side) and to discuss the military occupation of the ten rebellious states. Gen. W.T. WOFFORD was on that committee. It was, 'Resolved by citizens of Bartow, that in view of the recent action of the 39th Congress, in the passage of the Military Bill, and the amendments thereto, that the citizens of Bartow county, hereby express their readiness to comply with the requirements of said Bill and its amendments in the formation of a new Constitution and in the adoption of the constitutional amendment."

...William Tatum WOFFORD was born in Habersham County, Georgia on June 28, 1824. His grandfather, Benjamin J. WOFFORD, came to Cass County with his relatives and died on March 2, 1836, aged 68, and is buried on Stamp Creek.

His father, William Hollingsworth WOFFORD was born in Habersham and died young. His mother was Nancy M. (TATUM) WOFFORD, 1791-1867.

...William T. WOFFORD attended the common schools in Habersham and a school in Lawrenceville until he entered Franklin College from which he graduated about 1840. He began the study of law in Athens and was admitted to the bar there in 1854. He immediately located at Cassville where he attained eminence as a lawyer, and after the Civil War he was a member of the Cartersville bar.

...In 1847 he raised a company of cavalry and went to Mexico to join in the war between the United States and that country. He distinguished himself and for his conduct was complimented by a public resolution of the Georgia General Assembly in 1850: "Also to Captain William T. WOFFORD, of Georgia, Mounted Battalion of Volunteers, for service rendered in a battle with a very superior number of guerillas at Matesordera. (Acts of 1850, p. 415)

...He returned to his home near Cass Station, and in 1849 was elected to the House of Representatives from Cass and served two terms. He did not aspire to a seat in the next House, but was elected Clerk for the 1853/1854 term. Governor TOWNS, in recognition of his qualities for leadership, appointed him a Delegate to the Southern Commercial Congress at Montgomery, Alabama.

...On August 16, 1859, he married Julia A. DWIGHT, daughter of Dr. Samuel B. and M.A. DWIGHT of Murray County, by whom there were three little daughters who died in infancy. One daughter (decd), Lena, grew to womanhood in the county and married W.I. HARLEY of Sparta, Georgia. There are two sons, Wofford and William {HARLEY's sons}. Mrs. W.T. WOFFORD died September 9, 1878, and is buried beside her husband.

...Captain WOFFORD was elected a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Charleston, South Carolina in April, 1860, and carried his county against disunion as a Delegate to the Secession Convention in Milledgeville in 1861.

...He entered the War as a Captain, but at the organization of the 18th Georgia Regiment at Camp Brown in April, 1861, he was elected Colonel. On January 17, 1863, he was commissioned Brigadier-General and his brigade was composed of the 16th, 18th, 24th Georgia Regiments, Cobb's Legion, and Phillip's Legion.

...In the Battle of Chancellorsville, on the 5th of May, 1863, and in the Second Battle of Fredericksburg, he did conspicuous service. In the first battle his brigade was on the right of LEE's army. He saw the Federal troops moving back when JACKSON struck them, and begged to be permitted to charge the enemy's flank.

...At the fateful heights of Gettysburg, he added to his growing military reputation. On the third day of this fight, General LONGSTREET sent for General WOFFORD and carried him to General LEE, who questioned him closely as to the progress of the charge he had made the day before. General WOFFORD said he believed he could have taken the heights if supported. General LONGSTREET asked him if he believed he could do it then. WOFFORD with deep reluctance said he did not think they could be carried at all, strengthened as they must have been during the night.

...General LONGSTREET, in his recommendation for a promotion said, "General WOFFORD was distinguished by the energy and rapidity of his attack, and the skill and gallantry with which he handled his brigade." Lt. General ANDERSON endorsed, "General WOFFORD has constantly exhibited superior head courage and ability". General LEE said General WOFFORD had "always acted with boldness and judgement, displaying great zeal and promptness." General WOFFORD was twice wounded - in the Battle of the Wilderness and in the Battle of Spottsylvania.

...In 1865 General WOFFORD was elected to the Federal Congress from the Seventh District, but Georgia was considered out of the Union and he was not allowed his seat. Later a younger hero was chosen instead of this older one. After the war he lived on what is known as the M.L. JOHNSON place.

...He was a Delegate from his Senatorial District to the Constitutional Convention in 1877. He was mentioned for Governor after BULLOCK.

...On October 2, 1880, he married Margaret LANGDON of Atlanta.

...General WOFFORD was gentle by nature and popular with his people. He was tactful and charitable. He died at his home near Cass Station on the 22nd of May, 1884, and was buried with a simple ceremony at his request in the Cassville Cemetery.

SOURCE CITATION: CENSUS: Page 87 of LYNCH, ibid, cites the 1880 Census of Bartow County, Georgia, household #358-367 which reads:

William WOFFORD M 55 Lawyer GA GA VA
Helena WOFFORD F 13 Daughter GA GA SC
(LYNCH's notes: This is General William Tatum WOFFORD again.)

SOURCE CITATION: DEATH: William Tatum WOFFORD died on Thursday 22 May 1884, age 60 years, 10 months and 24 days.

SOURCE CITATION: BURIAL: Page 379 of "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by CUNYUS, states that there is a Civil War Historical Marker at the gravesite of General William Tatum WOFFORD. (Cassville, Bartow County, Georgia)

SOURCE CITATION: BURIAL: Page 6, LYNCH, op. cit. Cassville Cemetery.

SOURCE CITATION: PROBATE: See page 4 of LYNCH, ibid, which cites Wills of Bartow (Cass) County, Georgia, lists William T. WOFFORD, will dated April 2, 1884, wife Margaret E. WOFFORD, daughter Lena D. WOFFORD. [COMPILER's NOTE: This was his second wife, Margaret E. LANGDON.]

SOURCE CITATION: Page 71, LYNCH, op. cit., cites an editorial from the 'Atlanta Constitution', May 24, 1884 edition. 'When the wires yesterday announced the death of General William Tatum WOFFORD, of Bartow County, they brought news that will be received everywhere in Georgia with profound regret. He has been in bad health for sometime past, but his death was not anticipated until very recently. He died Thursday evening at his residence near Cass Station surrounded by the members of his family and friends who were dear to him.

...General WOFFORD was born in Habersham County the 28th day of June 1823. He sprang from a native yeoman and a Virginia mother, and was very early orphaned of his father and was taught by his mother the noble traits and the impulses which distinguished his long career.

He entered the profession of law and obtained prominence at the bar in competition with some of the brightest legal minds of the state. He was also a passionate lover of rural life and spent his happiest days in the superintendence of his thrifty farming operations.

He entered public life as a member of the General Assembly in 1849 and served there two terms. He then became Clerk of the same House by an almost unanimous vote. He was then chosen Representative of his county in the Secession Convention. Where, with exceptional precedence, he saw the certain fatality of the step and with rare and almost convincing eloquence combatted it. When it had been decided upon he submitted.

He had won fame in the War with Mexico as a daring and courageous soldier, and in the impending War Between the States he did not hesitate to take up arms in the defense of his people. He served first as a Colonel of the First Regiment of the Fourth Brigade of Georgia Volunteers and afterwards commanded the gallant Eighteenth Georgia Regiment, whose record for valor and self sacrifice was not equaled in the mighty conflict.

He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General, although his record might well have entitled him to a more distinguished insignia. ...At the close of the war General WOFFORD devoted his energies and the remnant of his means to the help of his distressed and devastated people and won imperishable gratitude from the thousands who witnessed and received his aid and the fruits of his devoted and patriotic services.

He was elected in 1866 to the American Congress, but was refused admission. In 1877 he was chosen a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of Georgia and was a wise and diligent laborer in the preparation of that most noble document. Since then he has appeared in public only as the advocate of friendly announced candidates for public office.

...General WOFFORD was singularly popular among his people as he was beloved and relied upon by his soldiers. He was gentle by nature, yet firm in every position he assumed. He had an eye single always to the public good and to no one were the real arts and tricks of the politician stronger than to him. He lived a pure, useful and honourable life, and the people of Georgia will pause to mourn over the corpse of one who served his God and his State with such pure faith and such devoted patriotism.'

SOURCE CITATION: Page 74, LYNCH, op. cit., citing from the 'Dictionary of American Biography', Volume 20, 1936, WOFFORD, William Tatum , June 28, 1823 - May 22, 1884, planter, legislator, soldier, son of William Hollingsworth WOFFORD & Nancy M. (TATUM) WOFFORD, was born in Habersham County, Georgia, his ancestors coming from Cumberland, England, settled first in Pennsylvania, but soon removed to Spartanburg, South Carolina; his Grand-dad established an iron works near that place and served as a Colonel in the American Revolution. William H. [Hollingsworth]. WOFFORD, who settled in Georgia in 1789, died shortly after his son's birth, and the boy was reared by his mother, a native of Virginia. He attended a local school and the Gwinnett County Manual Labor School, studied law in Athens, Georgia, and in 1846 began practice in Cassville. During the Mexican War he served as a Captain of Volunteer Cavalry under General SCOTT.

...During the decade of the fifties (1850's) WOFFORD attained distinction at the bar, served in the legislature, 1849-53, and as a Clerk of the lower House, 1853-54. He also developed a prosperous plantation. In 1852, with the assistance of John W. BURKE, editor of the 'Athens Banner', he established the 'Cassville Standard', a Democratic weekly. He was a delegate to the Southern Commercial Convention of 1857 at Knoxville, Tennessee, and to that of 1858 at Montgomery, Alabama. A firm anti-secessionest, he carried his county with him, and as a member of the State Convention, voted against the secession resolution. After Georgia had withdrawn from the Union, however, WOFFORD loyally offered his services to his state, and was commissioned Colonel of the 18th Georgia Regiment. After brief service in North Carolina, he was attached to HOOD's Brigade and took part in the campaigns around Richmond in 1862.

...After HOOD's promotion, WOFFORD commanded the Brigade at Second Manassas (Bull Run), South Mountain and Sharpsburg, and was commended by HOOD for 'gallant conduct' and 'conspicuous bravery'. He served under Brigadier General Thomas R.R. COBB, and after COBB's death at Fredericksburg, was promoted on January 19, 1863, to the rank of Brigadier General. He led the Brigade at Chancellorsville and rendered valuable service under LONGSTREET at Gettysburg. Against the wishes of LEE, who considered him one of the best Brigadier Generals in the division, WOFFORD was sent with LONGSTREET to East Tennessee, where he led the unsuccessful assault on Knoxville. He was then attached to KERSHAW's Division, and saw service in the desperate campaigns of 1864 around Richmond and Petersburg and Shenandoah Valley. Twice at Spottsylvania and in the Wilderness he was wounded. Placed in command of the Department of Northern Georgia, January 20, 1865, at the request of Governor BROWN, he raised 7000 troops and defended that region against the turbulent and lawless element which infested it. He surrended to General H. M. JUDAH at Resaca, Georgia on May 2, 1865.

...The War being over, WOFFORD devoted his energy and means to the care of the starving and the economic, industrial, and educational rehabilitation of his devastated section of Georgia. Elected to Congress in 1865, he was refused his seat by the Radical Republicans, but through the aid of Judge KELLY of Pennsylvania obtained the much needed food and supplies for his district. He was instrumental in organizing the Cartersville and Van Wert and the Atlanta and Blue Ridge Railroads, served as Trustee of the Cherokee Baptist College at Cassville and the Cassville Female College, and gave land and money with which to establish WOFFORD Academy. In 1877 he was an influential member of the State Constitutional Convention. He worked effectively for the payment of the State debt, the broadening of suffrage, the development of an educational program, and the maintenance of a State penitentiary instead of the leasing of convicts.

...WOFFORD married Julia A. DWIGHT of Spring Place, Georgia in 1859 and to this union were born six children, three of whom died in infancy. After the death of his wife in 1878, he married in 1880, Margaret LANGDON of Atlanta. Gentle, yet firm in all his convictions, he was beloved by his people and idolized by his soldiers. He died at his home near Cass Station, and was buried in the Cassville Cemetery.

SOURCE CITATION: Emmet STARR's Cherokee books lists in Note H605,...'Col. Tatum WOFFORD'... 18th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, listing a soldier who served under him.


The bride of Brigadier General William Tatum WOFFORD was Julia Adelaide DWIGHT, born - 12 Mar 1830 SC, died - 9 Sep 1878, buried at Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA. Julia Adelaide DWIGHT, was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Broughton DWIGHT & Mary Ann (JAMISON) DWIGHT, of Springplace, Murray County, Georgia. Julia and the General had 6 children, 3 who died in infancy. She was born on Friday 12 Mar 1830 and she died on Monday 09 Sep 1878, age 48 years, 05 months, and 28 days.

Her birthplace is given in the 1880 Census of Bartow County, Georgia, where her daughter Helena is listed. Helena's mother's birthplace is given as South Carolina.

SOURCE CITATION: Page 46, Jeannette (HOLLAND) AUSTIN, "Index to Georgia Wills", c. 1985, Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., Baltimore, MD, lists: Will of S.B. DWIGHT, Murray County, GA, 1840-72. Dr. Samuel Broughton DWIGHT was from Springplace, Murray County, Georgia. Dr. Samuel Broughton DWIGHT was the son of Samuel DWIGHT, Jr., b. 17 Jan 1772, d. 1825 and Esther Eliza MOORE, b. 20 November 1796, d. Sep 1816. See also the DAR Roster online at Ancestry. DAR ID Number 99974. Julia is related to Swamp Fox Francis MARION. Ask me for more details.


If you know of a source for this photograph please let me know. See contact info. below.
Further Comments:

Pat of the Gettysburg Discussion Group had this to say about William T. WOFFORD:

"Last week we returned to Georgia for a few days. I wanted to retrace a part of the SHERMAN-JOHNSTON 'red clay minuet,' as Shelby FOOTE called it, so we visited battle sites in Resaca, Cassville, Kennesaw Mountain, and environs, and the Chattahoochee crossing site at Paces Ferry.

Cassville was a thriving town in 1864, boasting two four year colleges. Unfortunately for Cassville, SHERMAN carried out his total war strategy there, burning the town, which was never re-built. The Cassville Cemetery exists still, however, with many unknown CSA dead buried not far from the grave of General William T.[Tatum] WOFFORD.

My [Pat's] interest in General WOFFORD is twofold. He was born in the county of my birth, Habersham Co., Ga. in 1824. But primarily he was brigade commander of my great-great grandfather's units, the 18th Georgia Infantry and, later, the 3rd Ga. Sharpshooters. GGrandad was wounded at 2nd Manassas, presumably fought at Gettysburg, and went AWOL from the CSA in late 1864.

WOFFORD, however was more persevering. He practiced law in Cassville until serving as a Captain of Ga. Volunteer Cavalry in the Mexican War under Winfield SCOTT. He served in the Ga. Legislature from '49 until '53, and was a member of the State Secession Convention in '61, opposing secession, but remaining loyal to the CSA, disloyal to the USA.

In the Civil War he was Colonel in the 18th Ga., serving in the Seven Days, 2nd Manassas, South Mountain and Sharpsburg. His brigade commander, Gen. T.R.R. COBB was killed at Fredericksburg. Colonel WOFFORD succeeded him, being promoted to Brigadier General in Jan., '63. His brigade consisted of the 16th, 18th, and 24th Ga. Infantry Regiments, COBB's and PHILLIPS' Ga. Legions, and the 3rd Ga. Sharpshooters Battalion.

'WOFFORD's Brigade' was actively engaged at Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania CH, Knoxville, Overland Campaign, Petersburg, and the Shenandoah Valley. The General was wounded both at the Wilderness and at Spotsylvania CH.

At Gettysburg his 'WOFFORD's Brigade'(McLAWS' Div., LONGSTREET's Corps) supported BARKSDALE's Brigade and was engaged in the stony hill area, Trostle's Woods and the Wheatfield, lending " life and hope to KERSHAW's and SEMMES' men on its right..." (Pfanz). McLAWS considered him bold and daring, but B.G. HUMPHREYS felt him prone to "charge into disaster."

In '65, at the request of Gov. Joe BROWN, WOFFORD commanded troops in North Georgia, quelling "lawlessness" and administering the area. He was paroled at Resaca, Georgia in May, 1865.

Following the war, he was elected to the US Congress, but was refused his seat by the Republicans. He remained active in Georgia politics, however, being a Presidential Elector in '72 and '76. He died in Cassville on May 22, 1884.

Many served valiantly at Gettysburg; unfortunately, we "get to know" only a few of the shining lights and scoundrels. Thanks for listening to my recap of a few highlights in the career of a "citizen soldier," a soldier who commanded my relative in those sad days last century." Pat.

To read about some of the Union men parolled by WOFFORD please visit the 1st Georgia Infantry. Use your browser's edit function & search for WOFFORD. When you are through looking around, use your 'BACK' button to return here.


Some Known Descendants of the WOFFORD/DWIGHT Marriage

by Kristi Dawn (LAKE) GROSS
07 January 1999

1 - Brigadier General William Tatum WOFFORD

Born - 28 Jun 1823/1824 Habersham Co., GA
Died - 22 May 1884 Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Bur. - Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Note - !PARENTS: William Tatum WOFFORD, son of William Hollingsworth WOFFORD and Nancy M. TATUM.
Those of you with an interest in the TATUM family might wish to visit the TATUM Archives.

sp- Julia Adelaide DWIGHT

Born - 12 Mar 1830 SC
Mar. - 16 Aug 1859
Died - 9 Sep 1878
Bur. - Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Dau of Dr. Samuel Broughton DWIGHT and Mary Ann JAMISON.

2 - Mary Tatum WOFFORD

Born - 24 Jul 1860
Died - 10 Jan 1863
Bur. - Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Dau of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT.
Note - !CITATION: Mary was born on Tuesday 24 July 1860 and died on Saturday 10 January 1863, at age 2 years, 5 months and 17 days. She is buried in the Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow County, Georgia.

2 - Martha Louisa WOFFORD

Born - 21 Nov 1862
Died - 9 Aug 1863
Bur. - Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Dau of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT Note - !CITATION: Martha was born on Friday 21 November 1862 and died on Sunday 09 August 1863, at age 8 months and 19 days. She is buried in the Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow County, Georgia.

2 - Laura WOFFORD

Born - 8 Jul 1866
Died - 19 Aug 1867 Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Bur. - Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow Co., GA
Dau of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT
Note - !CITATION: Laura was born on Sunday 08 Jul 1866 and died on Monday 19 Aug 1867 at age 13 months and 11 days. She is buried in the Cassville Cemetery, Cassville, Bartow County, Georgia.

2 - Helena D. 'Lena' WOFFORD

Born - Abt 1867 Bartow Co., GA
Dau of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT
Note - 1880 Census of Bartow County, Georgia, household #358-367, in which she and her father are listed alone.
!MARRIAGE: 'Lena' WOFFORD, married to W.I. HARLEY on _____? at _____?.
!RESIDENCE: Lena grew up in Bartow County, GA. See page 297 of "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by Lucy Josephine CUNYUS, c 1933, reprint c. 1989, Southern Historical Press, Inc., Easley, SC. According to this book, W.I. HARLEY was from Sparta, (Hancock County), Georgia.
!PROBATE: Wills of Bartow (Cass) County, Georgia, William T. WOFFORD, will dated April 2, 1884, wife Margaret E. WOFFORD, daughter Lena D. WOFFORD.

sp- William I. 'W.I.' HARLEY, husband of Helena D. 'Lena' WOFFORD.

Note - !CITATION: William I. 'W.I.' HARLEY was from Sparta, (Hancock County), Georgia.
!CITATION: DAR Roster online at Ancestry. DAR ID Number 99974.

3 - Wofford HARLEY

Born - _____? at _____?
Died - ?
Bur. - ?
Son of William I. 'W.I.' HARLEY and Helena D. 'Lena' WOFFORD.
Note - !CITATION: P. 297, "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by Lucy Josephine CUNYUS, c 1933, reprint c. 1989, Southern Historical Press, Inc., Easley, SC, lists the sons of W.I. HARLEY and Lena WOFFORD, as Wofford HARLEY and William HARLEY.

3 - William HARLEY

Born - _____? at _____?
Died - ?
Bur. - ?
Son of William I. 'W.I.' HARLEY and Helena D. 'Lena' WOFFORD.
Note - !CITATION: P. 297, "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by Lucy Josephine CUNYUS, c 1933, reprint c. 1989, Southern Historical Press, Inc., Easley, SC, lists the sons of W.I. HARLEY and Lena WOFFORD, as Wofford HARLEY and William HARLEY.

2 - _____ WOFFORD
Child of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT.

2 - _____ WOFFORD
Child of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD and Julia Adelaide DWIGHT.

sp- Margaret E. LANGDON, 2nd wife of Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD.

Born - _____? at _____?
Died - ?
Bur. - ?
Mar. - 2 Oct 1880 at _____?
Dau of _____ _____? and _____ _____? Note - !CITATION: The General married in 1880 as his second wife, Margaret LANGDON, of Atlanta, De Kalb County, Georgia.
!CITATION: Page 298 "History of Bartow County, Georgia - Formerly Cass", by CUNYUS, states that he married on October 2, 1880 to Margaret LANGDON of Atlanta.
!PROBATE: Wills of Bartow (Cass) County, Georgia, lists William T. WOFFORD, will dated April 2, 1884, wife Margaret E. WOFFORD, daughter Lena D. WOFFORD.
!CHILDREN: As far as this compiler (KDG) is aware of, the General & Margaret did not bear any children.
!WANTED: More information about Margaret. Photograph of Margaret. If you can supply these, please let me know.

For information about his division as a whole, see TEXAS.

For information on the WOFFORD Brigade.

Copyright 1999 Kristi Dawn (LAKE) GROSS
Family Clearinghouse Database
1228 North Vandalia Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74115

Feel free to pass this information along to anyone who might find it useful in their research. All we ask is that you retain the address of the WOFFORD Family Clearinghouse Database. If you have any additions or corrections we would love to hear about it. If you are a descendant of this family we would like to get acquainted. Please sign our Guestbook. Do you know of pages we should be linked to? If you post this info to your website, please let us know so we can track it. Thanks.

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If you have any corrections, comments or questions, please send an email message to Kristi GROSS, (subject: Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD), who maintains the WOFFORD Family Clearinghouse Database.

© 1999 by Kristi GROSS

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