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Death For A Bounty

By Madison
Copyright 1999

Chapter Two

Rock Creek Express Station

Hmmmm. There they are working all by their lonesomes......again. Could it be true? With curiosity running like a crazed stampede, Cody crawled (literally) along the fence line, hoping to stay hidden from his subjects. Once safely behind the water trough, he opened his investigation bible, which just happened to be the latest novel featuring Jimmy and Lou. Granted, the book was pure and simple fiction, but maybe McKay saw something the rest of them were missing!

“Tenderly, he caressed her hand.....” Peeking over the trough, Cody began searching for any affectionate sign when a shadow fell over him. One he recognized and usually deeply appreciated.

“Cody, what exactly are you doing?” Rachel demanded. Her hands were placed fully on her hips while the laundry basket laid peacefully beside her.

“Just trying to get a little reading done, is all.” To strengthen his story, he held up the novel.

“Uh huh.” You really need to work on your poker face, Cody, cause you sure ain’t good at bluffing. Moving in closer, Rachel tossed out a simple school lesson. “Looking at the words might help.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he promised. Then a stared down commenced as Rachel hovered over him, daring him to make one foolish move. But no, William F. Cody would not play into her trickery, wisely remaining silent. Oh come on, Rachel, leave me be!

“Cody, what are you up to?” Besides perfecting the art of dodging work? None of the other riders possessed such a talent.

“I’m just lookin’ to better myself through-”

“Try working,” Rachel suggested. Not that she didn’t approve of bettering oneself through knowledge....but this young rider always chose recreation over labor. “Why don’t you help fix the coral fence?”

Nodding, Cody rose from his stake out and began walking toward the barn, only throwing occasional glances over his shoulder to check on Rachel. Luckily, he noted, she had gathered the clothes the instant he commenced his stroll, heading off to finish her own chores.

Now back to his investigation! What?! Where are they? His eyes searched wildly around for his prey, finally discovering them just a few feet from the bunk house. But the coral wasn’t finished. Very suspicious.

The Journalist’s Office (Seneca)

I sat dumbfounded where the bounty hunter had assigned me, unable to grasp one simple concept. Jake Colter had me intrigued. What wild history could he possibly have with the country’s most daring gunfighter? Only one way to find out. “Exactly how expensive will this conversation be, Mr. Colter?”

Jake shrugged, studying my elegant surroundings over. “How much you got?” Just as his eyes roamed, so did his filthy paws all over my desk’s setting.... diving into the drawers. “Ooo,” he cooed after spying my precious golden pocket watch. He swung it by its sturdy chain, back and forth, back and forth, as if to hypnotize the room.

“Forget about the watch, Mr. Colter,” I suggested. “My great grandfather gave me that watch, and I will never part with it.” He didn’t protest, but rather released the watch, letting it crash back into the drawer. I shuddered at the mere thought of its broken state. By the clank it screamed, I could only send a prayer to God the damage was repairable. Shameless brute!

“I want fifty dollars,” Jake informed me after a minute’s ponder.

“FIFTY DOLLARS?” Was he actually foolish enough to believe I was made of money? Or willing to gamble with such a high amount after suffering a loss during our first encounter? “You’ve got-”

“Per run-in with ‘Wild Bill’,” the hunter rudely interrupted.

His lack of manners wasn’t shocking, in fact, typical of his kind. As a true gentleman, I would keep above his level in our negotiating. With a shake of my head, I refused his ridiculous offer. “I’ll give you twenty-five dollars...”

“Forty,” he demanded. “And I ain’t....”

“I will not let you swindle me, again!” I exploded. “Twenty-five dollars is all I’m willing to pay.....regardless of the ‘adventures’ you claim to have shared with Wild Bill Hickok!”

Colter was silent at my explosive rebellion, though his grim menacing gaze suffocated any triumphant feelings I might have gained. Once again fear grabbed me as his fingers caressed his firearm with an itch. An itch to extinguish the life burning inside me. The Express Station

The detective peered through one of the cleaner windows the bunk house sported, intent on catching the suspects committing the crime of romantic gestures. They stood very close to each other, he noted, but unfortunately at an odd angle. I can’t see nothing from here! Cody reasoned as he sprinted around the small lodging’s corner, hitting up the next window.

“Bingo!” He whispered excitedly after finally spying an incriminating gesture. If that ain’t a loving embrace, I don’t know what is!

Cody’s passion burned to discover other secrets the two might be concealing....until a dark shadow fell over him, interrupting his work and sending a feeling of doom over him. He had unwanted company.

On to Chapter Three

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