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Main Character for: A Traveling Proposal
Created by Suzy
(I couldn’t help but model Ezra on my other obsession Keanu Reeves)

Ezra was born to down on their luck gamblers on 1 April 1839, his parents schooling him in all the tricks of their trade, however, when both of them were killed violently by an angry lynch mob when he was 16, he decided that his future path would be as a law abiding citizen.

He drifted from job to job, never quite able to shake his gambler background, when he found Amanda’s saloon, he knew that he had found his true niche in life. The first time he saw Amanda he fell head over heels in love with her, a feeling he was not happy about at first, but now he can think of no other place he would rather be and no other woman he would rather be with, if only she knew!

With his 6’4” tall and decidedly rugged but slim physique he cut a fine figure in his expensive suits, more than happy to spend his time and his considerable talents as Amanda’s right hand man.

The ladies in town, understandably mesmerized by his husky voice, bedroom eyes and lush sensuous mouth, flirt shamelessly with him, but he only has eyes for Amanda, and now that she has found herself in danger, there is nothing he won’t do to keep her safe.

No matter ho hard he tries however, he is never quite able to put his gambler’s past behind him and whenever something goes wrong the town looks first to him as the culprit, even when looking for Amanda’s would be assassin.

He tries hard to gain the trust of the riders and Teaspoon realizing that they could be his only hope in protecting the love of his life, but will they believe him or even trust him enough to believe him……

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