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A Message To My Readers

First of all I want to thank each and every person who took the time to read this story and send me feedback. It is the most rewarding thing an author can experience when others enjoy something they've worked hard on. Thank you for all the encourgement I received, it has really meant the world to me.

I have been in love with "The Young Riders" ever since it made its debut. I feel that I know these characters almost as well as myself. Scary ain't it? I love the character of Jimmy but each rider has his own quality that makes this show so great.

I really had the best of time creating this story "A Time For Love" and it's main character Victoria Sutton. She is a woman that reflects a little of every woman I know. She's strong-willed, sensitive, kind, loving but also too stubborn at times. I think we all can at some point relate to her and to the challange we each face as to where do "I" fit in in this world. I feel that Victoria's and Jimmy's love for each other is one that was finally shared by two people who were "lost" as to their place in the world they lived in. To find the love, understanding and friendship that they did in each other, opened up to them the real sense and meaning of life...that we all need a special someone to share our joys, our fears, our tears. To have someone to love and love us in return for who we are.

As I wrapped up the final chapter of "A Time For Love", I began to ponder about the choices the characters had made in this story that shaped their lives and the relationships they now have. What would've been if Victoria had never made the choice to go to Rock Creek? What would've happened if Jimmy had never revealed his passion for her? What would've transpired if Cody had been bolder with his? The choices Kate Wescott made, would they had finally brought back to her the love of a man who didn't love her? What of Taylor and the choice he made, helping Victoria though in the end both his brothers perished? Will Phillip's growing admiration for Victoria lead him to choose a course to win her affections?

As you can see the answers to these came down to a "choice". Each decision, each route taken made a permanent mark in their lives either for the good or bad. So it is with real life. As someone once said, "We are who we are today because of the choices we made yesterday. Likewise, tomorrow will become the result of the choices we make today." With that thought in mind, I've begun work on a sequel to "A Time For Love". It is entitled you guessed, "Choices".

There were many unanswered questions left in the first story which will be addressed in "Choices". One of them dealing with our two main characters. As Jimmy and Victoria's relationship grows, she struggles with the choice of wether she is ready to take their relationship to the next level. Here is an excerpt as she confides in her friends about her growing concern... "As you know, Jimmy and I have gotten really, really close. I never thought I would love anybody the way I love him. When we're together it's as if nothing else matters. It's just him and me and I'm starting to feel that I want more."

"More what?" asked Charlotte with a wrinkled nose discerning exactly where Victoria was heading with this conversation.

"I mean when we're together alone...I think I want more."

"You mean you're ready to take the next step?" asked Louise.

Victoria nodded. "Yes. I think I am but...I'm not sure. I mean sometimes I'm sure, sometimes I'm not. How do you know when you're ready?"

Aren't we all faced with a similar choice? And that is what "Choices" deals with. The choices we make, how they impact our lives not only for today but tomorrow.

I won't get into any more details for I want to save a few surprises. I hope you all enjoy this sequel. I know I will be having a blast writing it.

Lastly I want to thank the following Webmistresses for posting "A Time For Love"

Tanya-- "St. James Place"

Kirsten-- "Saddlin' Station"

Wendy-- "The Young Riders Pony Express Station"

Thank you for your hard work and your great support.

Until we speak again, ride safe y'all.

With warm affections,


Feedback is welcome!

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