~Masters lil helper girl~

uh oh..you've done it now, his whole face is set in rigid lines, the dark blue of his eyes shining black in the lights of the small room. you squeak out a sound, the blush rising to the tips of your ears, almost burning as your eyes slide away slowly.

you peek up from under the veil of your lashes, waiting to see if he's going to explode as the tense lines of his body suggests, seeing the complete struggle he's insuing to keep from doing..something..anything, quickly, your eyes seek the ground again

your fingers twitch restlessly, as you shift from foot to foot, scuffing your toes along the carpet, glancing down as you realize you're still holding the evidence in your hands

He clears his throat, drawing your gaze back up to Him again, his lips set in such firm straight lines..oh hell, i'm gonna pay for this....you inch backwards slowly, edging away from him as he crosses his arms.....ok ok think fast....your lips part, eyes widening to full extent...attempting that little lost lamb look..your words tumbling over themselves in the rush to explain

"But Sir..i was ...and it was...well I kinda thought...and you always said...and...well, ....smiles brightly, still inching away from him, quickly hiding your hands at your back.....aren't you Proud of me Sir?????

you squeak again as his eyes narrow on your intently, that damn crooked brow arching upwards.....damn, ok that didn't work...new tactic.... Ohh! Sir, honestly, i didn't mean too, I mean I ....i'm really really Sorry Sir, I'll fix it.....honestly....right away...you turn, prepared to flee his presence until he's in a much more...lenient state of mind....actually that could be days...damn..where to hide

you freeze in midstride, one foot still raised, as if jerked back by an invisible force at his simple words "move one more step girl...." ohh holy hell....this is not good...damn damn damn..you turn slowly, bowing your head down to your chest, letting the hair veil your cheeks, and you quickly assess the situation

TEARS!! yes yes, tears! that will get him....you force out a sob, dropping to your knees in limp supplication, screwing your eyes shut in an attempt to bring forth tears....damn! how DO they cry on command in the movies....you hiccup convincingly, careful to keep your head lowered

once more you peek up..oh shit...he's not buying it...OH GOD...here he comes

you throw yourself forward at his feet, gripping his ankles...OH DAMN!, you drop the scissors in your hand, seeing the red line pop up on his bare ankle where the edge scored the skin....ohh gods, i'm definitely going to pay for this...ok ok....PLEAD!...you press multiple kisses to his feet, wrinkling your nose in distaste...the things i get myself into!

you feel him lean over...going still, flicking your tongue out in desperation...please please...don't let him kill me today..tomorrow is fine..but not today!!...He straightens, still remaining silent...now see, you would go get a Dom with no sense of....OMG what is that???.....your head is jerked back, his hand lifting you abruptly, your eyes widening as he holds....THEM up in front of you, a snarl gracing his lips....

His voice pelts you, making you wince.."WHAT have you done, slut?" you blink, his hold on your hair forcing your skin tight, giving you that oriental cast to your face...you stutter, choking with the effort to answer him....

your eyes raise from the object he's holding...to his stern countenance..OK think quickly!!!!....Well Master......I simply thought that the next time...well...you know...when you say..they can kiss my ass....you fumbled that one..brilliant!....ok ok....well Master..see I was just being helpful.....

you peek up, looking once more at the heart shaped cut outs in the ass of his leather pants.....bites her lip and tries to explain again

I was merely givin them a target Sir? and with those little smiley face boxers.....

Written by just_arie