
Stepping out of the shadows,appearing to absorb the light from the room

As if he were a darkness so deep as to spread oblivion to all who get near

His eyes, though shining, give no light.

In his skin the passage of time is written

Upon his heart does lay the weight of the world,the pain of generations.

Bruised and bleeding hands open and reach out to you

His lips part and whisper your name

Slowly a tear falls from one eye and splashes his dusty boots

His empty hand closes and he falls to his knees

Arching his back he roars into the night, erie his voice echos through the hills

As the last echo rebounds into the room his eyes lift to yours, his pain evident

Rising once more to his feet he motions you to come near

He stands arms out like an oak sheltering you

Solid,eternal..his needs are now your needs

With one look you are forever lost in the black spinning world of pain that is him

You are his, He is undeniably your Master

He bends slowly and takes your head in his strong hands

Drawing you to your feet he presses his dry hot lips to yours, such intense electrifying light passes through you, the pain is exquisite

The sorrow of centuries pours through you, the torture of slaves, the pain of whips, the sting of saltes wound, the rape

The invasion of your soul locks you eternally to him

"He owns you"

You are Masters toy

Unable to live with out him, his voice his touch .......his whip

In time you find yourself cradled in his arms like a child, effortlessly he holds you up to the sky, an offering to the demons who hound him

Lost in him you loose touch with who you are, your very individuality is gone, you are simply part of him, His slave.

Written by Silent__Rage