My prior publications include the following:
"Pale Blue Dot."
Strong Verse (July 2010).
"Revelation: A Comedy of Justice." Murky Depths 12 (to May 2010).
“Ode to the One True Saint.”
Shine Mar. 2010.
“So Long, Postmodernism.”
Shine Mar. 2010.
"My Bookshelf." Shine (to be published in Nov. 2010).
“A New Beginning.” Atheist Tales. Epic Saga Publishing (to be published 2010).
"A New Beginning [Poem]." The Fifth Di. Sam's Dot Publishing (to be published 2010).
"The Tide Is Turning.”
Shine Aug. 2009.
“Love Everlasting (A Theodicy).”
Shine Apr. 2009.
“The Making of Steinians.” Green Eggs + Hamlet 2005. 30-32.
“If I Forget Thee on Earth.” Green Eggs & Hamlet 2004. 52-53.
Music, Book, and Movie Reviews
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Also since this is my page and I work very hard on it I would appreciate if you wouldn't take anything from my site without asking me first or adding a link to my webpage. I will usually let you take something from here if you ask me and add my link. Thank you.
If you enjoyed this webpage then you will probably also like my other three. They are Voodoo's Aerosmith Page, Voodoo's Rush Page, and VoodooLord7's Webpage.
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