First, let me say that I am NOT a theripst, I am just an ordinary woman healing my wounds of sexual assault.
I started my site with the hopes that I could help heal myself, find some kind of comfort in "talking" out my feelings. And, very much to my suprise, it helped me alot.
My wounds may never heal, but I have started the process of regaining my life. Taking back some of the control that I lacked for so long. I realize that I am now a SURVIVOR and no longer a victim.
With in my pages you will find my personal journal. To some, Im sure you can relate to some of my feelings, and others may learn that the healing process isnt a quick one. Its often a slow, painful process. Daily activities become disrupted, as well and emotional and something physical health.
It has been a very rough journey, and I couldnt have made it this far with out the help of my close friends, to them I owe my eternal gratitude.
Please take a moment to sign my Guestbook.
Also, if you would like to me to contact you, please verify that the e-mail address you have entered is correct.
Are you a Rape or Sexual Assault survivor?
I am setting up a new page for survivors or loved ones of survivors to share their stories. I have learned through my page, that sharing in one step in healing. Your stories will help others learn and heal. If you would like to share your story please
*~E-mail me~*