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Every person is different. We all have our own way to dealing with recovery. Everything on this page may not apply to you. This will give you an idea of what you may experience.

Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS) refers to a system of responses seen in most victims of sexual assault. Thus, an understanding of RTS leads to an understanding the recovery process. There are two components of Rape Trauma Syndrome:

  • The Acute Phase
  • The Reorganization Phase
Acute Phase
The acute phase may last from a few days to several weeks. The victim’s life has been drastically disrupted, and she/he is experiencing disorientation and shock. A variety of physical and emotional reactions may occur during this phase. These reactions are all normal and common for someone who has experienced an acute trauma. In general, there are two types of emotional reactions:

Expressed reaction      Controlled reaction

In the expressed reaction, a victim may show outward signs of fear, anxiety and anger. Expressive behaviors may include:

Crying Pacing Screaming
Joking Tenseness Shaking
Restlessness Laughing Anger

In the controlled reaction, a victim displays little or no outward response. Feelings are hidden or masked. Victims may appear calm, composed, disaffected or subdued. Controlled behaviors may include:

Numbness Depression Shame
Vengeful Thoughts Moodiness Feeling Dirty
Cant Concentrate Guilt Fear
Restlessness Denial Self-Blame

Physical reactions that may occur during the acute phase include:
Soreness Fatigue Bruises
Eating Disturbances Infections Sleeping Disturbances
Head Aches Easily Startled Stomach Aches

Victims may alternate between expressed and controlled responses and these responses may surprise or catch the victim off guard. Emotions may go from one extreme to another.

Reorganization Phase
The reorganization phase begins as the victim starts to resolve and integrate the experience. The duration of this phase varies and will depend on such factors as the victim’s age, personality style and available support system. It may last anywhere from a couple of months to years. During the reorganization phase, victims may undergo:

Nightmares Lifestyle Changes Phobias

Sexual assault is the ultimate loss of personal control.
Empower the victim by giving her/him choices, autonomy, support and respect.


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