Katgoyle Clan Webring
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Katgoyle Clan Webring

So, you decided to join our webring huh? Well, first things first, you've got to fill out this form. There's only one requirement, your webpage has to have something to do with gargoyles OR you have to be a member of the Katgoyle Clan. Either or, doesn't matter which as long as it's one of those things. You qualify? Great, just fill in the blanks.

NOTE TO EXISTING MEMBERS: The webring has moved from Yahoo to Crickrock. You must resumbit your site and get the new code or else your webring will not work. Please do so ASAP.
Thanks, The Webmistress, Cat

WebRing HTML

WebRing HTML 2

Custom HTML For Clan members

Submit site to Katgoyle Clan Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

HTML Code Url:
(leave blank if same as site url)

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!! I really mean it!!)

Site ID:
(letters and/or digits)

Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.

Enter a short description of your site.