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There's this guy,

And when I'm down,

He tells me to smile,

And I have no more frowns.

He thinks I'm going to kill him,

Because I say this,


I just answer back,

"Your a dork Chris."

He says I have an intersting life,

Because I'm constantly doing nuttin'.

But that just doesnt makes sense

Cause I'm constantly doing somethin'.

Chris has these pants,

They unzip at the knees, into shorts.

One time I put the zip-off part on my head,

Someone laughed so hard, they started to snort.

If you ask me, Chris has the interesting life.

While I'm sitting at home,

He gets to drive.

But Chris means alot to me,

Cause he's a great friend.

And I hope we're still friends,

All the way till the end.

~ Tara D. Quinton - 1/2/2000