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Stuck in Limbo,
I don't know what to do.
I'm nothing but confused.
How about you?
Can't possibly get any worse.
And then, what do you know? It does.
Answer, "Yes."? Answer, "No."?
Or answer, "Just because."?
It's one of those,
"To be? Or not to be?", type deals.
My emotions are colliding,
I just don't know how I feel.
One person's saying one thing,
On my left side.
Another person saying another thing,
On my right side.
Basically I'm stuck in the middle.
Somewhere I don't want to be.
But then I stop and ask,
"What do I want? What about me?"
I'm not stuck in Limbo.
I know what to do.
I'm not confused.
How about you?

~ Tara D. Quinton - 5-30-00