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The Sleepless Dance

Lying in bed at night, bored half to death.
Every other minute, taking a breath.
Every other second, thinking of things.
Wondering what the morning will bring.
Every other hour, waking up.
Walking into the kitchen,
Pouring water into a cup.
Finally getting my eyes to close,
going into a deep trance,
falling asleep now,
Imagining that I'm at a dance.
My mind floating in the dream world.
Dancing with the guys, and I'm the only girl.
Sleep walking, sometimes. Having bad dreams.
And in the morning, wondering what they mean.
Waking up again, and it's a quarter past three.
Praying to go to sleep, and floating in the sea of dreams.
Closing my eyes, counting sheep.
Trying to fall back asleep.
Tossing and turning on my back,
Feeling like I'm sleeping on a million tacks.
I'm finally sleeping in peace.
No interruptions, no annoying noises.
No dancing with all the boys.
No lying there bored anymore,
No midnight walks for water.
No sleep walking,
No talking in my sleep with mother or father.
No more bad dreams,
No more waking up at a quarter past three.
No more counting sheep.
For I am asleep.

~ Tara D. Quinton - 10/24/99