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Forever Friends

I met someone again today, and we talked for a long time.
We became good friends again.
You know what? Once he was mine.
We have a special bond you see.
We were born on the same day.
We were together two whole years!
And met in the 4th grade.
He really was something.
A HUGE part in my life.
We let our friendship float away.
Float away like a kite.
We both moved away a couple years ago.
We haven't talked since. It's been three years or so.
He finally got my name, and E-mailed me the other day.
He said, "Hey Tara, it's me."
I didn't know what to say. I was shocked. I was frozen.
My mind couldn't think. My heart was pounding really fast.
I just starred, I didnt blink.
You don't know how happy I was, just to know that he was there.
Once again, I had my friend, and everything was fair.
We exchanged each other's numbers, and got to talk on the phone.
As soon as he said, "Hi.", the memories just flowed.
One by one they came to me. And out my mouth they came.
Of how we first met, to the very last game.
I miss my friend, I really do.
I know you think this is dumb.
"Little childhood games..." you say. Nope. Not this one.
I loved him then, I love him now. And I'll love him till the end.
Because I met someone again today, and now we're forever friends.

~ Tara D. Quinton