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Welcome To The Garden Of Evil

to the Garden of Evil

Welcome to the Garden of Evil,
Where the flowers grow, and then they die.
And where the dead rose petals once were alive.
On the gate are many vines.
And there it sits.
A perfectly readable sign.
'Welcome to the Graden of Evil.

No one knows where it came from.
One day it just appeared.
Soon as the first person stepped inside,
They stepped out and told everyone not to go near.
The garden was filled with things,
Like big bugs, and little ants.
You could tell there once were flowers,
But now they're dead, colorless plants.
A dark mysterious man,
Heard about this place.
He decided to check it out.
You should have seen his face.
He was happy!
You know, a smile.
The man was amazed,
So he stayed there for a while.
He decided to show his garden,
So he invited all the town.
Only a couple showed up,
And all he saw were frowns.
He tried showing them in.
Proud of his little place.
They took a look inside,
And from there, the police took the case.
For some reason, they all mysteriously died.
When the police got there,
That's when they saw the sign.

'Welcome to the Garden of Evil'.

~ Tara D. Quinton - 10/21/99