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Opposites Attract

Completely different

And we get along great.

Total opposites,

I'm thinking its fate.

One look at you,

One word comes to mind.

Beautiful, it is,

Your so sweet and kind.

I guess its true,

Opposites do attract.

'Cause we love each other,

And thats a fact.

I had a gut feeling,

When we first met.

"Get to know this guy,

You wont regret."

I can't believe I listened.

I can't believe I tried,

Now no matter what,

I can't possibly hide.

Through good times and bad,

We'll get through.

I'm strong, and I'm tough,

Just like you.

I can't imagine you not here,

You make me laugh and dry my tears.

If you ever need me, I'll be there.

I'll give you alot of tender, love, and care.

I was afraid to like you, and now I do.

I can't possibly live without you.

I was afraid to love you,

Afraid it might be true.

Well, baby, now,

I'm afraid to lose you.

Your my baby,

My friend,

My love of my life,

I'm your partner,

I'm your companion,

And someday your wife.

I hope you read this, and know its true.

Baby because,


~ Tara D. Quinton - 8/13/00