Day Spring
What is it?
Dayspring is a five-day camp sponsored by the Oklahoma United Methodist Church for Senior High students(incoming 9th to just graduated 12th). This year DaySpring East, West, and South camps will join together for one history-making week at OU in Norman. During this incrediable week, you'll join with hundreds of students from across Oklahoma to surrender all that you are to the God you are seeking and experience His presence and love. You will get to meet new friends and renew old friendships, connect with God in nightly worship services, and actually be heard in small group dicussions. All of this plus tons of free time options, such as swimming at the Olymic sized pool, basketball, and sand volleyball competitions, and listening to bands and enjoying snacks on the deck of the Wesley Foundation. The bottom line is.... get there any way you can! It'll be a week you won't forget!
When is it?
Dayspring 2000 is July 24-28. Registration will be from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon on Monday. The first group session of Dayspring 2000 kicks off at 2:00 p.m. Each church is responsible for their own lunch plans on Monday and Friday. Camp ends Friday at 12:30 p.m.
Where is it?
Dayspring 2000 will be held on the campus of OU in Norman, OK. You will be staying in the dorms with your choice of a roommate and dining at Couch cafeteria on campus. All meetings and actiities will be at easy to find locations on campus.
What to bring:
Bedding, towels, toiletries, swimsuit(girls: modest one-piece, guys: boxer style trunk), A BIBLE, clothes, and comfortable walking shoes. You'll need money for the concession stand and the bookstore. Swimming pool admission costs $1.50 per day. We strongly encourage you to leave the following distractions to the week at home: CELL phones, pagers, and disc-mans.
What's the cost?
Early: $150(postmarked on or before Monday June 26)
Late: $165(postmarked after June 26
Turn in your completed form and money to your Youth Pastor. Sorry we CANNOT take and Registrations after July 10 and no refunds will be given after that date, as well. There will be NO walk-ups. We thank you in advance for getting your registration in on time. Spaces are extremely limited; please register early.