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Bag Purse in Silk Knitting
Godey's Ladies Book
Feb. 1863
page 191
These very pretty little purses are now much used.  They are knitted in rather coarse knitting-silk, of two or more colors, according to taste - blue and brown, or violet and scarlet, or pink and black; but as this is entirely a matter of taste, we only suggest these colors as contrasting well together.  To commence: Cast on to a steel knitting-needle of a fine size forty-five loops; knit the first row, purl the second, knit the third, purl the fourth.  The fifth row is the open row.  Knit the first loop, silk forward, knit two together, silk forward, knit two together to the end of the row.  Knit the sixth row, purl the seventh, purl the eighth.  These eight rows form the stripe.  The next row is the commencement of another stripe, and must therefore, be again a knitted row.  Repeat these stripes until there are twenty.  Join the two edges together, and gather one end in for the bottom of the purse.  The top is to be finished with a narrow crochet border.  A pretty ornamental cord is then inserted through the knitted holes close to the crochet edge, and finished with three tassels to match,  one on each side, and one where it is gathered in at the bottom; and this very useful and very pretty purse is completed.