Escape to Panama

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Tocumen Forecast

Old Ironsides

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Tocumen Forecast

Are you ready to shove off? Stay with me for it will be an escape to remember. The word has been passed to single up all lines... we are on our way...

Escape to Panama... a lost tropical paradise at 9 degrees above the equator… Panama at the cross roads of world commerce in the heart of the universe… Panama more than just a canal… What a place to get away from it all... Just do it... you will be glad you did!!!

Old Salts telling sea stories

I can remember back in 06 when I took a little cruise down to Panama. Talk about friendly people... the Panamanians are the most friendliest people in the world. Yes indeed... great liberty.... scuttlebutt has it we are on our way to Panama to show the flag.

Old Navy

Here is a group of old salts getting their picture taken. Notice the little kitten...back then most ships had a mascot or two...

Little kids love ships! I can remember my visit to the mighty ship "Old Ironsides"... It seems like it was only yesterday. Here is a popular recruiting poster of the 1960's
that used this great ship.

The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, went through the Panama Canal in the mid 30's. All the little kids in the Canal Zone turned out to see her. It was declared a school holiday. Great memories for those who were there!

Saturday morning inspection while the USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, is tied up at pier 18, Balboa, Canal Zone. The year was 1933.

The USS Constitution, under a full set of sails... just awesome is the sight.

An artist's rendition of Old Ironsides, under full sail with guns firing.

The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, firing the guns... it is just awesome.

The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, the oldest US Navy ship in commission in port...
great time for a ship's visit.

You are approaching the USS Constitution, Old Ironsides... enjoy your visit.

You were in luck, you witnessed the taking of the annual ships company picture. You also got a few pictures of the crew too!

You are below decks. Someone asked Petty Officer Wilson, "What is that we are looking at?"
Wilson our tour guide says, "It is the Capstain, Sir."

You are now checking out the guns. There are no powder monkeys here.

The Old Navy when ships were made of wood and men of steel.

The USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, the oldest ship in the Navy...
riding easy in Boston Harbor.

My favorite link...

Lets take a sentimental journey...

Let the adventure continue...

CZ images and more...

Panama beer numero uno...

The USS Arizona Memorial-page...

Continue on to page 2...

Come fly away...

The US Navy in Panama...

Aye Caramba!

Some US Navy Sayings...

Dale mas fuerte...

E-Mail Me

Too Many Secrets

More about my books ...

Latest book ...

Picture credits: Author, US Navy, Naval Historical Society and USS Constitution archives.

"I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: I served in the United States Navy"

----- John F. Kennedy

Parada...Yo dije parada! Dale mas fuerte!Yes this will be our first stop and one of many if you stay on the Chiva as we explore a lost paradise at the crossroads of world commerce in the heart of the universe. This enchanting land where magic is at your fingertips is only a few hours south of Miami. I plan to give you a preview of what it was to have had the good fortunate to have been born in Panama and spend all my early years in the old Canal Zone. Yes, Welcome to my corner of the world. We also plan to visit Cocoli… the best little town site on the banks of the Panama Canal. Enjoy your visit. You are welcome to join us we go to the beach or just go on safari. If there are any questions or comments feel free to E-Mail Me… I will try to answer them manana. God bless you and yours… And you all come back… you hear? Hasta la vista and Buena Suerte! May the Force be with you…

Time is what life is all about…

Thank you for dropping by to an earlier time when things were so much simpler... Please come back again for another visit!

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