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At Home in the Choctaw Nation

HALITO and welcome...I am finally beginning to get back to working on this site a little, and will be adding to the main page here,while leaving the old content intact..Check the links to other sites from time to time to note any changes...Hope you enjoy the site. B.E. _______________________________________________________

NEW..GENEALOGY RESEARCH PAGES _______________________________________________________

In tribute to Neal White, who left this earthly level February 24, 2000, I am going to leave this page as it is...

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HALITO...Welcome to our Homepage.This site is "under construction", but well enough along for you to be here visiting us. "Us" being Neal White, our resident author and IKHANANCHI (teacher) whose book inspired us to do a website - and Barbara Ellison (that would be me) the one constructing this site, tho not without much input in the form of "suggestions" by Neal.

As of this moment, we have our own message board, so if you want to post there, just click on the "enter forum" button below. Neal has begun posting his CHATA language lessons on our board now, so if you want to learn, be sure to check that board.

We also have a guestbook that we hope you will sign and tell us what you think of our site.

For Your Reading Pleasure....

We now have a place for you to go to read some of Neal's stories. Each week we will have a different story in

Neal's Story Room
If you want to get a glimpse of how some things have changed among the CHATA, go to this page...
Courtship And Marriage Customs
And if you would like to read some more, click on this...
Traditional and Other Choctaw Stories
*>>>>>>New Page<<<<<<<*

We have added a new page for Chata words and phrases, etc. We will still work with the language on the message board and in the chat room, but what is on this new page will remain available continually, and it will be added to as we go along.Click below to get to the new page.

Chata Language
Chata Dress

For those Ohoyo who want to make their own Chata dress, you'll find the instructions here...

Dress Instructions

We hope you enjoy your visit. Come back soon, cause we'll be adding more to this site.


Free Photo Albums from Free Photo Albums from

Before you head for home, stop on by some of our friends' places...

Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes-Black Indians

Ho Anumpoli

Guide to American Indian Genealogy


NDN Web Design

Windreamer's Links Page

For News and More About Oklahoma, Click Here to See "Bubbaworld"



To email Neal or me...

The Diamondback Rattlesnake was revered by the Chata because he kept rats and other vermin out of the corn and grain stores.You may have noticed the diamond design on Traditional Chata dresses and is the Diamondback Rattlesnake that is represented.

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Ring graphics by The Greasy Grass
This ring is new and members are scarce. Please bear with us while we grow.
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