The ways in which human beings are similar far outweigh the ways in which they differ. Those differences are important, of course, and they give us strength and humor. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that we are ONE species.
That we are all the same at the core is absolutely proven by a fact of nature: only members of the same species can reproduce with one another. Therefore, all humans ARE of the same physical species, no matter what anyone else may have told you.
In terms of culture, even from the earliest times, humans share a great deal. All human cultures have developed language, music and dance, spiritual beliefs (including afterlife ideas), styles of clothing, tools and other inventions. In short, although we may look and sound a little different, we can always learn another human language, always learn a new dance, and that's not to mention that we can give each other blood transfusions!
So we are, after all is said and done, far more similar than we are different. All we need to do is to learn to celebrate and respect each other's differences. In that way, humanity can become the great community that it has within it to be and can begin the new millennium prepared to reach for the stars.
The following are sites which celebrate humanity and, overall, fight the good fight. Go to these sites to learn more about yourself, your world and your fellow humans.
The Foundation for Ethics & Meaning
Forum on Differences
Scientists (Geneticists) Explain About Race
Learn About Our Home The Earth
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