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Submit your site even if you have doubts on the guidelines I have posted below. Remember they are guidelines and are not set in stone.

     If you would like to exchange banners with me take one of these four below. I suggest a small one if you're putting it on the main page and the banner sized ones if you're putting it on a links page. I will do the same for you. I will not deny any site the right to put a link to my page up anywhere. BUT, I will not put a number of sites up.

Sites I will NOT put up...

Porn sites - Wouldn't have a problem with this but Angelfire does.

Pokemon sites or anything like this - Do you think kids who like Pokemon would be here anyway?

Unfinished Pages - Obviously. Come back when it's done.

Websites that do not relate in anyway to my content - Exceptions will be made. I will put up links to things that I like or think are useful (ie. html help, music, jokes, movie reviews, anything to do with sports, games, sex (again not porn, would be ok), beer, bongs, and babes (of course) food... you get the idea).

Crappy looking pages - If I stress one thing make it this. I do not like low quality babe pictures. If I wanted to see this I could look at your sister in the shower through the steamy glass. DO NOT WANT.

Sites that steal things from me - I won't put up a link of a bunch of pics you just took off my site. Looking for pictures of hot sexy, nearly nude, wet, beautiful babes in bikinis and other assorted lacey material is hard tedious work. Granted we might have a few the same but that's ok.

Sites with excessive banners/links - This will be determined by me.

     Well anyway you get the idea. Take a banner put it up, email me with your sites name, url, a brief description (if needed) and a link to your banner. Depending on where you put it up and what it looks like I will do so accordingly. All banners (468 x 80 or so) will be put on a links page. All buttons (80 x 30, i think) will be put on the main page.
      If I decide not to put your link up I will tell you and give you reasons why. Put up my banner immediatley so I can see where it is on your site. I will get back to you within 0-2 days (depending on when I check my mail). Insert the code below the banner you wish to use. Don't change any of the code except the "alt", "vspace", and/or "hspace".
I'm working on getting different banners since the ones I have aren't to great.

Click here to go to Beer, Bongs, and Babes
<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Click here to go to Beer, Bongs, and Babes" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a>

<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Click here to go to Beer, Bongs, and Babes" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a>

<a href=""/> <img src="" alt="Click here to go to Beer, Bongs, and Babes" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a>

<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Click here to go to Beer, Bongs, and Babes" hspace="0" vspace="0"></a>