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Mr. DuShane's Chemistry

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This is the website for getting your assignments and resources for their completion. This site will be updated as needed so stay tuned! ChemQuests: Labs and activities to do for chemistry. Introduction: What is chemistry? Composition- What is a matter with you? Substances and mixtures. Atomic theory. Elements and compounds. Chemical Bonding. Ionic, Covalent and van der waals. Polyatomic ions. SEE TABLE P. 66 (IN TEXT) Naming compounds. binary and polyatomic compounds. Rediscovering Charles'(not Brownell's) Law. What is it? How does it work? What are its applications to life situations?? What about Boyle's Law? I use the mneumonic Boiling Point- Boiling for Boyles and the pt. represents presure. Labs to due: LAb 1: Task is to find the density of water ;3 trials required; graph the data points (use a line graph); Write up a complete report. You will have to demonstrate measurement skills for mass and volume determinations. Lab 2: Task is to find the density of a solid object (marble);compare the volume of the sphere with observed and expected or calculated measurements for determination of experimental error.You will need to find the volume of a sphere formula and your math teacher is good starting place. Write lab report using the data. Lab 3. (Skills lab) Use of the microscope practical. Be able to set up and view a prepared slide or specimen sample. Know the parts and types of microscopes we are using. This applies to chemistry in the area of observations of crystaline structures for identification purposes. Lab 4. A review to find the density of a tissue model- a sponge.Measure its mass, volume to determine its dry density. Measure a known volume of water (H2O) and place it in a petri dish. Place the sponge by it and observe what happens. Describe the action- what is it called? Reweigh the wet sponge and find its new mass. Determine with your data you've collected the ratio of the dryweight to the wet weight to determine the percentage and volumetric water weight. What if we started out in the reverse order of this? Ok let's do it. Allow the wet bit of sponge to sit over night till it is dry. ( How could we speed up this drying (process?) Task: Indirect measurements. Determining the size of a molecule. Task: know the basic parts of Atomic Structure configurations.Consider the "Aufbau Principle". Construct a viable model of an atom. Task: what are the two basic bonds and how do they compare? Give an example of each. Task: Periodic table: know the first 36 elements in sequence along with the names and symbols in order. Also know these twelve more common elements names and symbols. Ag, Cd, Sn, I, W, Pt Au, Hg, Pb, Rn, Ra, and U Task: Solutions Lab practical: You will be assigned a 100ml concentration of Sodium Chloride to make up. You will need to calculate the mass or molecular weights of the NaCl and see how they are expressed and related to percentages of concentrations. Recall M=CV. The concentrations will be 1%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 25%. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) is a type of polyester commonly used for plastic beverage bottles, food jars, and trays for heating food. Containers made with this polymer bear the number 1 inside the recycling logo, with the abbreviation PET or PETE (the last E is for “ester”) underneath. PETE containers can be recycled to make textile products such as clothing and carpet, plastic films and sheets, or new food and beverage containers. Archive | More Information from CAS
