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Many people think of "bucking horses" when they think "rodeo", but a rodeo is much more than just sitting on top of a wild horse and trying not to fall off. At a rodeo they have roping calves and steers, there's pretty girls riding horses around barrels, and funny guys painted up trying to keep the crowd entertained.
And sometimes crazy things happen like this ...

(Hint: That little guy gets tired after a few tries to catch that bull and that lazy rascal just quits and disappears, and all you see is his hat. If that happens, just refresh the page to make him work again)

These are some of my favorite RODEO LINKS:
      Sarah's Rodeo Page
      ProRodeo Canada

My favorite event of Rodeo is the BULLRIDING (what do you expect, that's what I do) *chuckles*
Why does one start riding bulls? A good question, but once started it is an addiction. There is no feeling like it in the world that I've found be matched against a beast that can weigh up to over 2000 lbs and most bullriders weighing in around 150 to 175. Hmmm not a good match up *LOL*
The rider has very litttle rules to follow ...Hold on with only one hand ...never touch the bull with your other hand (called the free hand) and stay on top of the beast for a full 8 seconds. Sounds easy --- Garth Brooks says it in his song FEVER, "its really kinda simple, keep your mind in the middle while your butt spins round and round" ---- Wonder if He ever tried that *LOL*.
You hold on with a braided rope that has a hand hold plaited into it (a long flat hand piece laced with leather) pulled tight around the bull's chest, the only thing holding this to the bull is your grip in your riding hand ..add to your attire a set of spurs to get a hold of the ornery critter and a glove on your hand so you don't lose all the hide from your little paw.. and you are ready. (oh yeah protective vest is a good idea too).
Everything starts in a bucking chute, you get to make everything just the way you want it, adjust your rope --pull it as tight as you want it-- and get set *LOL* (If the bull sits still and lets you). Then the hard part got to nod your head and tell the guys to open the gate *LMAO* no that's when the excitement begins ..a large beast with a little bitty Cowboy on his back turns every bit of power he has loose in just a split second ..its up to you to stay on... its you against him and nothing else matters .....its a no win situation but if everything goes right and then you get lucky and make that 8 seconds of glory've done something not many can do, you've conquered the beast ..this time ..
Ah but all is not over one must get off this bull and get to the relative safety of somewhere other than where he is ..*WS* fortunately they have the bullfighters there for your protection. They are called clowns but in my books they are mighty brave souls and a very nice friend to have around.

Just a brief glance into the world of bullriding, I'd be happy to answer any other questions except those like ...Are you nuts ...Man you got some screws loose what are you thinking *LOL* just general stupid questions like that (because I ain't got the answer). Its just a passion you get hooked on ...the ultimate challenge ......
Garth Brooks has another song called RODEO, another favorite of mine and he kind of says it right...

Well, it's bulls and blood
It's dust and mud
It's the roar of a Sunday crowd
It's the white in his knuckles
The gold in the buckle
He'll win the next go 'round
It's boots and chaps
It's cowboy hats
It's spurs and latigo
It's the ropes and the reins
And the joy and the pain
And they call the thing rodeo

These are some of my favorite BULLRIDING LINKS:
       Cowboys & Cowgirls They have also many rodeo and western links
Well..*grins*..please be patient with me, the others are not linked yet..

SONGS about bullriding

One of my most favorite songs about bull riding is Chris Ledoux' HOOKED ON AN 8 SECOND RIDE. I found the song on the net as a WAV file and put it on this page. If you'd like to listen to it just click on one of the links.
To read the lyrics scroll down to the end of the page.

     HOOKED ON AN 8 SECOND RIDE (850 K) medium version - 1 1/2 minutes
     HOOKED ON AN 8 SECOND RIDE (2,300 K) full version - 3 1/2 minutes

And here are the songs by Garth Brooks I mentioned earlier, RODEO and FEVER, each either MIDI or WAV.
      RODEO (MIDI file) --- RODEO (WAV file, length ~35 sec)
      FEVER (MIDI file) --- FEVER (WAV file, length ~20 sec)
Click here for the lyrics "Rodeo" and "Fever"

Some other links:
       Cowboy Prayer yeah, we cowboys do pray
       Ceridwen the homepage of the one who holds this cowboy's heart
       "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot, lyrics and MIDI
And more will be added soon


by Chris LeDoux

Rollin' down a long highway
Out through New Mexico
Driftin' down to Santa Fe
To ride a bull in a rodeo

He's hooked on a feelin'
Addicted to a natural high
Don't know why it's appealin'
All he knows is he's got to ride

He's addicted to danger
Ruled by passion and pride
To pain and fear he's no stranger
But his lust needs to be satisfied
Hooked on an 8 second ride

Getting hooked up in back of the chutes
Makes the rosin burn
He's got his spurs on the heels of his boots
He's at the point of no return
Climbin' over that chute gate
He settles down inside
The tension is risin'
But he can't wait
until they turn that bull outside

He's addicted to danger
Ruled by passion and pride
To pain and fear he's no stranger
But his lust needs to be satisfied
Hooked on an 8 second ride
Hooked on an 8 second ride
Hooked on an 8 second ride

* * * *

Giving thanks and credit
Background and graphics from Western Graphics