
page of Savage Garden nonsense
I love Savage Garden, you love Savage Garden. We all do. But you gotta admit that
sometimes they look pretty funny in those lovely pics we can find on any SG site.
Sometimes I think that neither Savage Garden or the photographers notice how silly they've
made darling Darren and Daniel look. But I notice. And I think it's damned funny.
So i decided to share these amusing little ancedotes that go through
my head when I see these pics.
enjoy enjoy enjoy and try not to laugh too loud and wake the neighbours.
YES! I'm no longer locked out! Long story :P I'll update soon, promise! - Oct 19th, '01
Darren Pics
Daniel Pics
Group Pics
Fashion No-No's
No Comment
Too Big
Made By Others!

Feel like you have a better caption than I do?
Feel that I've got the sentiment all wrong?
Then feel free to send *me*
your suggestions, i will try to add them, if I think they fit
Also, if you have any pics you think are funny, send 'em along
and we'll give you the credit!
Caption Contest!

Here is our new pic for this week's challange
Send in a caption, win a prize! Exciting!
Hurrray! we have a winner for last weeks contest picture
Congrads to *Casey* and her caption!
does it fit? click here to check.
Thanks to all who participated :)
Oh my goodness, i actually won an award! Thanks to Mary, who's soooo nice! :D

Complains or comments?
Tell 'em to the chicken!

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