My Amazing hubby with a pic of his win! Congrats babe!
"The common dental diseases of caries, periodontal disease and malocclusion are not dramatic but in terms of numbers of people affected they constitute one of the greatest public health problems in Canada. Almost 60% of Canadians appear to receive little or no dental care, and yet few dentists are in a position to accept more patients. A greater number of dental auxillaries is needed, to relieve dentists of the more routine procedures." Lalonde Report p. 25
The longer you are in practice the better you should strive to be. Experience is very important.
Your last two years of hygiene school provides a foundation on what you will now begin to build up with new experiences that will take you to great heights. Choose your contractor wisely.
Stay kind and compassionate to your entire staff. Listen, and address any issues you might have in a prompt, honest way, without talking behind people’s backs. Enjoy your profession you've worked so hard to earn! First of all, learn to accept and appreciate patients of every age, sex, and background, treating them with respect and dignity. Every day is a day to learn and improve on your skills — both technically and, even more importantly, your people skills. And Congratulations!Quotes for Dental Hygienists and New Grads
Be humble enough to realize you don't know everything, and yet smart enough to realize there is something more to be learned each and every day.