Molly's Reviews

Kangaroo CluesKangaroo Clues
Margot Finke
Illustrator: Mustafa Delioglu
Writers-Exchange E-Publishing

Entertaining, Educational Read … Highly Recommended … 5 stars

It must have Dreamtime spirit-man who sewed the pouch in kangaroo. Near a shady billabong Old Man Kanga and his friends, Marsupial mouse, Emu, Goana, Platypus, Kookaburra, frill neck lizard, Cockatoo and Echidna all heard the dogs coming. With leaps and bound Old Man Kanga made it to the water just in time. The dingos were right behind. Into the water went Platypus and Old Man Kanga while Kookaburra laughed and Goana hid. Galas screamed while Koala's encouraged Kanga on.

"Kangaroo Clues" is a marvelous book told in rhyme, created by talented writer Margo Finke and filled with delightful illustrations from Mustafa Delioglu. For readers living outside of Australia the tale introduces children to animals and words not heard in every day conversation. For children living in Australia the words may not be new, but the story will offer as much appeal. Delioglu's drawings are vivid, well executed and large enough for children to understand.

Full page art work sets off the narrative to perfection. "Kangaroo Clues" covers 31 pages of cheery rhyme and exciting illustrations sure to please the target audience of beginning readers. Vocabulary is a bit advanced for the youngest readers, however even very young children will be held captivated by the tale as they navigate the buttons turning the pages while Mom or Dad, or older sibling read the words to them.

A read-to book for the 3-5 set, read-with some help for the 6 and 7s, and read mostly alone for the 8 and 9s. Wonderful book for the home or classroom library. Teachers will find the work a good addition to the 'multi culture' unit. "Kangaroo Clues" is a book sure to be reached for often for both pleasure time reading and for class work.

Enjoyed the read. "Kangaroo Clues" is a book I would use in my own Kindergarten-First grade classroom. Happy to recommend.




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