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Amy's Sugar Jones Site-Your Sugar Jones Central!

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Welcome to the new and improved Amy's Sugar Jones Site! To get to the link you would like, scroll to the bottom of this page.

August 7th, 2001: New section up, rare songs. Another slideshow is on the way.

August 3rd, 2001:My first site award!

Thank you to Got Sugar Jones!

August 1st, 2001: I have decided not to concentrate as much on pictures but I will be concentrating more on multimedia now. New slideshow added in slideshow section so go check it out! Plus all the awards will be handed out on Friday. (there are three sites)

July 27th, 2001: Five new sections added in the picture gallery. So go check them out!

July 24th, 2001: I'm almost out of my complete renovation stage now. There is only a few sections left to complete and Amy's Sugar Jones Site will be up and running normally, like before. Expect a truckload of pictures by next Monday. Meanwhile, go girls! How Much Longer is the MuchMusic Big One this week! Yay!

July 22nd, 2001: Two new sections up. The rest will be up shortly along with my new sister sites as well as more pix.

July 21st, 2001: Added new chat transcript to the Chat section. I'm working on adding more right now! I have more for everybody later on in the week so stay tuned!

July 16th, 2001: Sugar Jones self titled disc has gone platinum in Canada! Way to go girls! Also the girls will be chatting tomorrow on TalkTV, so you can log onto and send them your questions for me! I'm not able to get everything up and running the way I would like, but hey, that's the way life goes. This site won't be updated for the next week though. Sorry!

July 15th, 2001: Lots to update. First, the How Much Longer video debuted at Number 29 last week on the Much Countdown. Second, Sugar Jones will be chatting on on July 19th. Third, the new layout should be running by Monday. I might put it up earlier tonight. I have four spots left for sister sites so if you would like to be one, head over to that section. PS-Nothing has or will be put up until the new layout goes up.

*Note, all blank links are coming very soon.

The Band: Biographies Band Biography News Concert Dates Appearances
The Music: Sugar Jones Lyrics Audio Lounge Rare Songs
Media: Videos Downloads Wallpapers Screensavers HotBar backgrounds Picture Gallery Slide Shows Chat transcripts Aim Icons Other Stuff
Fun Stuff: Quick Facts Different Languages The Name... Dolls Adopt One Of The Sugar Jones Girls! Sugar Jones Greeting Cards If They Were Painted...
Awards: Win My Sugar Jones Site Award Award Winners
Popstars: 'Round The World With Popstars Popstar Teasers Songs Sung On Popstars The Final 10
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