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September 7, 2001

Greetings, fellow chatters. My screen name is ladyblue (actually it's ladybluebird, but that was too long for the chat rooms, so I shortened it). However, if you asked any of the 40-some writers who meet Sunday nights to discuss their stories, they would probably know me better by "The Evil Editor." As a former English teacher, I edit all their stories and make gentle (?) suggestions to improve their work.

I guess I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I left English and journalism teaching to work for a city newspaper. I was editor of a weekly entertainment section - and my boss was my first husband! That made for some interesting conflicts - but I always won because he wanted his dinner. From the newspaper I went to work as public relations director for our symphony orchestra, then to a public relations firm, and finally to a job as host of a weekly television talk show. I've also written two books for educators on the use of newspapers as textbooks.

Several years after my husband died, leaving me to bring up a 2-year-old by myself, I remarried. After 23 years of marriage, my husband divorced me and took the family business with him. Unwilling to retire and wither, I approached a local motorcoach tour company and volunteered my services. So now I'm doing their publications, researching the museums and other attractions they offer their passengers, and creating games and puzzles for the passengers to play during long trips. It's the best job I've ever had - and I get to take whatever trips I want to!!! That's better than a salary.

I've been hooked to - and on - the internet for 12 years now, but I discovered senior chat rooms less than a year ago. Since then I've met 10 of you and, come October, I'll be meeting 10 more when the Primetime Online Writers meet at my home for a 3-day 'Riters Retreat.

I love to read and, while I'd like to say I read Dostoevsky and Dickens, I confess to being a murder mystery junkie. I love the works of Lee Harris and Lillian Braun - and I also admit to being hooked on Harry Potter's adventures! My 5-pound Manx cat Bobby usually has other ideas, however, preferring the middle of my book to his cat bed!

My recent divorce has taught me something about life: I must rely only on myself and I can choose to be either lonely or alone. Thanks to my 30-year-old professional violinist daughter and so many of you, who have e mailed me and even phoned me with encouraging thoughts, I am no longer lonely. I love you all! Whenever I get sad, I re-read William Ernest Henley's poem "Invictus."

You can reach me at and I'd love to hear from any or all of you.

August 31, 2001

My name is Joliea. I am a seventy year old widow and a native Kentuckian. I was born in a small coal mining camp in southeastern Kentucky. My father was a coal miner as was his father and my mothers' father. My husband also entered the mines after we were married as mining was the only industry in our area.

I married young, right out of high school, and immediately started my family of two boys and a girl. They have given me seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I have always regretted that I didn't get to go to college. I worked as a sales clerk for awhile but I mostly stayed home and raised my children.

I have done some traveling with a tour group since I have been alone. I would like to do more traveling but I hate going by myself. I love to read. If I had to pick a favorite book it would be "A Tale of Two Cities" by Dickens. I have read all of Agatha Christies mysteries. I also like to read those romance novels (I am a romantic at heart).

I got my computer in December 1999 and taught myself how to use it. I still have a lot to learn but I am enjoying it immensely. I love chatting with the many friends that I have met on the chats. In March 2000 I met a group of poets on, and they graciously let me join them and I have enjoyed the challenge of writing poetry. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting any of the chatters in person. Maybe someday I will.

One of my favorite quotes or mottos that has helped me to cope with the many disturbances of life is " live one day at a time." I try to follow the golden rule and to treat everyone with the respect and courtesy that I think we all deserve. My email address is:


August 24, 2001

Hi- My name is Wimzy. I am addicted to chat rooms with seniors for over a year now. I cohabit with 2 kitties who see me emerge from den to feed, water and change litter occasionally. I have lived in Terre Haute, IN more years than I care to count. I was born in northern IN but grew up in eastern Illinois in a small town with lakes in the 1950's. My older sister, bro, and I were water rats, always swimming, boating and fishing as our parents had bait shop and rental boats. We lived right across the road from a city park that had carousel, miniature golf, beach, dance hall and concessions.(Sadly, our house and the park as we knew it have disappeared).

I lived in Noblesville, IN where I graduated kindergarten and attended early elementary grades in a 3 story building. Our father had a new job so we moved to the town in Illinois (above) where I was to ride a school bus and attend a 1 room schoolhouse with an outhouse! That was a whole new experience for the next 5 years.

I pursued my goal of becoming an English teacher after graduating from Eastern Ill Univ. in Charleston, Ill . I taught several years and sponsored students and attended Durham Univ. in UK and enjoyed London, Nor.Eng., Scotland and Paris, France in 1969. Many sites were enjoyable but are too numerous to describe. The double decker buses were really fun. Cathedrals and castles were explored in London and in the pastoral country near Durham. In France, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and Notre Dame plus The Moulin Rouge and Palace of Versailles were just a few of the wondrous sights.

After I left teaching, I traveled around the US tent camping which was extremely adventurous. I have been in every state incl. Hawaii except for OR, WA and Alaska. The camp owners and campers were the most hospitable folks I had the pleasure of meeting.

Back to the real world, I have worked at a public library, drug company, major music industry, state offices, major food industry, and various other places of employment. Think I am a Jill of all trades and mistress of none. I have been blessed these past few years with family and friends who have helped me over some rough spots due to medical problems.

Getting back to my addiction to chat, I started in (now defunct) and opened the door to welcome many friends some of whom I have met at luncheons. A small group of us have been in separate chat together and have formed a 'Purple Hatter Chatter' group. Our senior queen bee is Waafer from Oz who is soon to land on US soil and we will have a luncheon in Effingham, Ill Oct.21, to meet any and all who want to attend. Warning! We do laugh a lot and we are casual folks with warm hearts. Other 'Purple Hatters' are: Ragus(WI), Tenbrats(IL), Geri(OR) and our very own Mspaws(MI) who has lovely photos entered in .

Just remember Inside every older person is a young person who is asking,'What the heck happened?' author unknown

Have to add that I am not as avid a reader as I was prior to discovering chat. I enjoyed Mark Twain works, the classics and recent best sellers. I enjoy easy listening music, oldies and classical. I collect clowns and work on our family tree.

Feel free to email me at: and maybe we can meet for lunch along the route to New Orleans in Nov.

August 17, 2001

Hi all ya all most of you know me as Bruce or drhypno. I live on the beautiful Oregon coast exactly half way between Washington and California. Since I was born on the East coast, Mass. I guess that makes me bicoastal.

Katz of K&J wants me to tell about my education so here goes. Graduated from college in '60 with a BS in social work then on to Seminary for a short stay. Started working at a prison to pay my way and liked the work so much stayed on for 26 years working mostly as a counselor.Then back to school where I picked up a Ph.D. in hypnotherapy.( That's where the drhypno comes in.)

I am sort of retired at least from prison work. I worked for several years after prison retirement as a associate director of a Hypnosis Center. Then we moved to paradise (Oregon Coast) I maintain a small hypnosis practice here and teach at the local community college.

Our family consists of my bride of 45+ years, two poodles and a pussy cat. Millie and I were what has become know as DINK's ( Double Income No Kids) My bride is one fine cross stitch artist. My office has much of her work on display.

My hobbies seem to be turning into a vocation. For the past six years I have been playing Native American style flutes. Really fell in love with the instrument. Started playing a few gigs and next thing I know I have recorded a CD.(Which is available for $14.95, shipping included) The CD is a reflection of all the magic places I love here on the Oregon Coast. When not playing my flutes I roam the beaches and fly kites.

Some of my favorite books hummmm The Harry Potter series, Reality Therapy by Bill Glasser, Positive Magic by Marion Wienstien, and The True Believer by Eric Hoffer.

Can't remember how long I have been on-line. Think it must be at least four years. I know it has been a lot of fun and chatting has put me in touch with some real neat folks. It was a kick meeting Willow and her hubby on a mini bash.So far they are the only voices from cyberspace that have materialize in the flesh.

K&J asked me if I could go anyplace or do anything for one day where and what? I would choose a day with Merlin in the Court of King Arthur. And my favorite quote is:
" Do what you will so long as you harm none"

Now K&J really pulled out the stops when they asked what is the moral lesson of my life that would encourage others, ok here it is; We are here to grow spiritually and to learn to express unconditional love.


August 10, 2001

This week's SPOTLIGHT is on Pumpkinflower723 and Pumpkinseed723

Greetings from Pumpkinseed723 and Pumpkinflower723, two pumpkins in Walls, Mississippi, who just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. We are enjoying this Newsletter, and appreciate the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the readers we don't know yet, and to further enlighten those we already know about ourselves.

Pumpkinseed723 was born, raised and educated in Memphis, Tennessee, which is just across the stateline from Walls, Mississippi. Pumpkinflower723 was born in Greenville,Mississippi, but also grew up in and was educated in Memphis. That's where we met each other while still in high school.

We had only been married for 6 months, and Pumpkinseed723 was in his third year of college at the University of Memphis, when Uncle Sam decided to draft him and send him to Vietnam. While he was stationed at Tuy Hoa with the 6th Battalion 32nd Artillery, he was working liaison with the 173rd Airborne and the 203rd Reconnaissance Airplane Company. He achieved the rank of Spec. 5, and was awarded the Bronze Star and Vietnam Commendation Medal. To Pumpkinflower723, the best part of that experience was getting to meet Pumpkinseed723 in Hawaii for a week of R&R after he had been in Vietnam for ten months. We thank God Pumpkinseed723 returned home from Vietnam safe and unharmed, and our thoughts and prayers are still, and will always be, with those families who were not so fortunate.

Pumpkinseed723 is still working, and says that as long as he can walk and talk, he will continue to work. He is the Sales Manager for a lighting and sign company in Memphis, Tennessee. With the help of God and Pumpkinseed723, Pumpkinflower723 has spent the past six years caring for her stroke victim bed-bound mother in their home.

We have two grown sons and five granddaughters ranging in age from 10 to 3 years old. Our "other" child is Sally, a 10-year-old mixed Australian Shepherd and English Border Collie. You can see her picture, as well as ours, on our Pumpkin Patch Music Room web site at

Since we started caring for Pumpkinflower's mother, our outside hobbies and activities have become severely limited, because we can only go out when we have a sitter. That's how we came to open our Paltalk music room, The Pumpkin Patch. We have always loved music (Pumpkinseed723 is a musician himself, playing guitar and saxophone), and when we discovered the music rooms on Paltalk, we felt it would be a great way to interact with other music lovers and an opportunity to meet some new people. It has become a passion for us now, and we must have our daily "fix" of music and chat with our new-found friends on-line.

Pumpkinseed723 enjoys reading mystery and adventure books--his favorite authors are Tom Clancy and John Grisham. We have been on the internet for approximately 5 years and both enjoy being able to instantly research any topic that comes into our heads, and visiting through e-mail with our family and friends who live elsewhere.

We both strive to stay out of any ruts in life, and always enjoy learning and experiencing something new. When faced with a new situation in life, or a new opportunity, one of Pumpkinflower723's favorite quotes is, "Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it."--Bill Cosby

We both enjoy meeting and getting to know new people, and would greatly enjoy chatting with anyone who would like to contact us by e-mail at (Pumpkinseed723), or (Pumpkinflower723).

August 3, 2001

This week's SPOTLIGHT is on ROSEMART

Hello, My "computer name" is Rosemart2000 and I live in a retirement village in Manorville, NY which is located on Long Island (suburbia). I was born in College Point, Queens, NY and was a depression kid who found out when you didn't have something , you made something to take its place. We had a busy childhood despite not having many material things. I graduated from Flushing High School in 1944, after which I worked in Manhattan in Dun & Bradstreet on Broadway as a Dictaphone operator. It took almost two hours on the subway each day. Worked 40 hours a week for $20.00.

I married a person who lived close to me all my life in 1948 and we had two daughters and now we have 5 grandkids, 4 boys, one girl. We all live within a 30 minute radius of each other and all attend the same church. I love most crafts and enjoy making greeting cards and writing poetry also. I write for our little Village Paper monthly. We have two cats 17 and 3.

My favorite vacation was going to Hawaii which I really always wanted to do and we did it for our 30th wedding anniversary. Several years ago we took our entire family on a cruise to Bermuda which was a fun thing. I love reading most things and especially fiction novels.

I have enjoyed my computer (which I never wanted) but daughter gave it to us for Christmas. I love the chat lines and have met many people who exchange cards with me from all over the world (which fascinates me). Never thought I would know people from Australia, Africa and Wales! I had the pleasure of meeting my friend Norma who lives in Pennsylvania. Her wonderful husband drove for six hours to visit with us and we had a great time. Another friend I have met is Jann from our Poetry Corner. She is the person who posts all our poems. We all love her. If I could do anything I wanted to do for one day it would be to attend a big stamp convention for a whole day and learn all sorts of things about stamping, and would bring Norma with me!

My idea to live with is that in life you have to take the bad with the good and sometimes what you think is bad, turns out to be good. I believe God guides me everyday to make the right choices.
My email is:

July 27, 2001

Boomboom here!!!!!! AKA Boomer, from Port Richey Florida which is located on the beautiful Gulf Coast just North of Clearwater, Florida. I have lived in this area for the past 15 years . My chat name is a carryover from my baseball playing days as a 12 year old. I was the pitcher on our team (called the big nine) . I was so bad my teammates called me Boomboom because the other team hit the ball so often and so far. ( lol)

I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and l lived there most of my life. I attended the Cincinnati University and have instructed within the Cincinnati school system as well as Ohio University.

I worked 30 years for the Ohio Credit Union League which is the state association for the Credit Unions within the state. I traveled the state of Ohio, mostly the southern part, organizing over 150 Credit Unions within the state. My job was to assist in starting the credit Union, train the elected officials in overall day to day operations regarding state and Federal laws. I retired in 1985.

I am married and have one Son, who lives in Portland , Oregon, and works for Albertson Super Markets. If you live on Oregon or Washington and shop at Albertsons my son is the person that delivers your groceries. I also have 3 Grand-children. My youngest grandchild is a California State Trooper. His name is William Beck, ( tell him you know me ) LOL MY computer is my pride and joy, but I also do "Magic for Children". I belong to the local Magic Club which meets monthly. I have also played Santa Claus for the youngsters which is sooooooo much fun. I played baseball and softball for many years and played on a championship team in Cincinnati, Ohio.

If you want to get me started on a subject, just talk about dogs. My favorite breed is the Black Lab, but will talk about all breeds, altho I am not an authority on the subject. I do not attend Greyhound Race Tracks because of the terrible life these dogs live. If they don't win within their first three years of life, they are put to death, and the next litter is trained to race with the same fate facing them.

Most of my travels have been during my 5 years I served in the US Navy. During WW 2, I served from the North Pacific to the South Pacific and was with the Task force that entered Tokyo Bay when Japan was defeated. I also served in Korea during that conflict. Here is the URL that will take you to my WW2 diary. I have traveled most of the USA including Alaska. I would love to travel to Germany and Switzerland as this is where my Dad and Mom were born.

I became a chataholic in November 1998. I had to ask the sales person how to turn this machine on. The chatters taught me most about this computer. My first chat room was Senior Com. I was there until it was shut down.

I am the person who plans the Florida Annual Bash. The next Florida Bash will be held March 13,14,15, 2002 at Clearwater Florida. I enjoy planning the bash and have met over 150 chatters in person. If you have never been to a bash, be good to yourself and attend a bash where you will meet the person you chat with and many others. Chatters who have met at the bash have become husband and wife and many have become new best friends. Come to the next Florida Bash and I will there to welcome you as you enter the door.

If you are ever in the Tampa Bay area let me know and perhaps we could meet for lunch. We do have a local group that meets from time to time just to sit and chat at lunch.

Here is my email addy: Drop me a note.

July 20, 2001

SPOTLIGHT on Mr. and Mrs. Captfish (Demy2)

"Living Life It's Fullest"

Living now in mid Michigan, with the love of my life that I met on is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Had it not been for my children, encouraging me to get a computer, so that I could follow my dream to become a writer, this would never have been possible. Being on the Internet has brought much happiness to my life.

Having made many new friends from around the world, and I know, lasting friendships, is magnificent. Being given a wonderful surprise cyber wedding shower, by my friends from Where else could such joy be found. Knowing that I would never be lonely again, thrilled me. Having met some of my on line friends at luncheons, and knowing I will get to meet more.

Being able to write stories and articles that get posted on PrimeTime Writers Group at Chat With Seniors , has been helping me to realize my dream. As for my education, please read my latest article from my life, "Reflections >From the Past", this should cover that aspect of my life.

My favorite book of course is the BIBLE inspired by God, and the CHICKEN SOUP BOOKS put out by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.

My husband and I, both know that God brought us together through the Internet. And I guess you could say that my five wonderful children had a hand in it also. I have five children, thirteen grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren that are biological.

My favorite quote is GIVE TO THE WORLD, THE BEST THAT YOU HAVE, AND THE BEST WILL COME BACK TO YOU. This covers any thing we do for others, will be returned to us in many forms. The kind of work I have done in my life is also covered in my article, that I mentioned. I also love to keep people guessing. So now you all know what to do, if you want to know the rest of the story.
Oh, yes I love people who have a sense of humor.

If I had a whole day to go and do what ever I wanted to do, it would be to a mountain top marvel at God's creations and sing my heart out. And then be able to write a story about the wonder of it all. For those of you who need a friend, just someone to share whatever, my email is, a friend is a present you give yourself, and I love presents.

My hobbies through life are painting, quilting, sewing, wood work and crocheting. I have received ribbons on all of these at that state fair in Texas. I would encourage any of you who have any talent to enter things in the fair in your area. This is a good moral builder and sanity saver. It helped me through some pretty rough times in my life. Now that I put my two cents worth in I will relinquish to my husband, Captfish. But before I do, I have written under the name of weebuss also on PrimeTime Writers Group .


As you all know I met demy in . I had only been on line since January 2001. I am located in mid Michigan and she was in Texas. You can read about our courtship on in the prime time readers. You have it, demy wrote about that also, under GREATEST STORMS. Not only did I meet my demy there, but I also have met and made many on line friends.

I retired from Chrysler corp. in Detroit. I have a master's degree from Wayne University in Michigan. Among my hobbies are boating, fishing and sports. And, soon I will be enjoying traveling, the USA with demy. We will enjoy the summers here on the great lakes, fishing and boating. Now this is life!

I do have three children and eight grand children. Wow, now we have a big extended family, and we love it. In our traveling, we hope to be meeting lots of our online friends. So everyone watch out here we come! I have survived colon cancer, and have an artificial colon, a stroke, a heart attack and two artificial hips.

My favorite motto is to NEVER, EVER, GIVE UP. If you don't ever give up you do anything your heart desires.
The Drs. had given up on me, and said for all purposes I was gone, I had been on life support for three days, and God had other plans for me. For any of you who are going through any of these things and need someone to chat to my email is we all need someone who has been in our situation. The thing most that the I would enjoy, is for both of our families to be all-together at one big Family reunion.

July 13, 2001

Spotlight on PEANUT!

Hi----How I would love to meet most of you in person---I'm PeanutB, and no, the B isn't for butter--it's for Brown. I live in N.E.Ohio, where I was born and raised and have spent my entire life. Tho I would enjoy seeing a lot of the world, I would not want to stay away from Ohio forever. It's a great state and nearly all of my family is here. I have one brother, a retired Methodist minister, and one sister who is my best friend and shopping buddy.She is not to be confused with my "bestest'" online friend Brienna, with whom I spend many hours chatting and trying to solve the world's problems. We haven't had much luck there, but we keep working on it. Luckily, I graduated from highschool. From then on my education was raising a family of five great kids---two boys and three girls, who have blessed me with 21 grandchildren. My husband is retired, and----well, lets not get into that discussion, okay? LOL
We have a golden retriever named Bear, that has become my constant shadow. My favorite hobby is now my laptop computer, and I spend way too much time on it. But, what the heck---the dust on my furniture is great for leaving messages. I enjoy writing poetry and tho it isn't the best, it is an outlet to express myself and deal with everyday stress----yep----lots of that around here!!
How would I spend a day if I could go anyplace? hmmmmmmm----so many places, so little travel time.....but, I know I would turn left on I75 and head up north to Michigan. I hear it's a beautiful place and I know a really nice person who lives there....
Love to all of you, PeanutB

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