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Y A J U    N O    W E B P A G E

Shishido Jo (a.k.a, Joe Shishido) is one of the most distinctive personalities in Japanese Cinema. His singular looks, instantly recognizable voice, and unique way of attacking a wide variety of acting assignments, have all served to make Jo a star in his native land for nearly half a century. However, he is still largely unknown and sadly under-appreciated in the West.

If you are lucky enough to be familiar with Jo via the handful of classic Nikkatsu Action films, released by Criterion and Home Vision Cinema here in the USA, you already have an idea what I'm raving about and I hope you will enjoy this humble tribute to Our Man Jo.
However, if you don't know Jo------
Step right up, click the links below, and allow me to introduce you to the one, the only, inimitable ACE no JO !



Check the YAJU no NEWS page for update information!

SHISHIDO JO has his own, very cool, OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!!

The site is in Japanese language only; however it is easy to navigate.
There are some truly great video clips and pictures to enjoy!
So, what are you waiting for, tomodachi??

Please visit Coolman's great site dedicated to the classic Nikkatsu Action films of Kobayashi Akira and Shishido Jo!
Japanese text only!

Thanks to my Nikkatsu Kyodai, Coolman!!

Site design by: Chris Casey and Tatsuya Fukushima.
With special thanks to Michael Zanfardino.
This site controlled by: YAJU no YABAI GUMI . 2003-2005.
Last updated: 09/06/2003