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The Culp Family

Hello Everyone. At the repeated prompting of my wonderful husband, I'm finally updating this page. I like this page b/c anyone can see it, but it is so much easier to upload photos onto facebook. I find that I forget about this page.

Anyway... these photos are mostly from our vacation to Tyler, TX. We went and stayed at Silverleaf's Villages in Flint, TX. It was hot... but it was definitely one of the best family vacations we've taken. The resort had an indoor water park, which the kids loved.

The highlight of the trip, though, was probably going to the zoo. That was the best zoo we'd ever visited. It is set up soo good. Even when it was 95 out, it felt 85 in the zoo because of the shades and the way the breeze blew through the walkways.

We also had a first... our kids sat through 2 indoor movies in a row. Wolverine (which was a little too violent but we were too early for the next movie so we watched it anyway) and Transformers! The kids were great.

Right now we have some exciting things going on around here. All of the kids will be in school next year! Sierra in 6th, Chey in Kindergarten, and Brylee in K4. Cheyton shows strong skills in math already. He is always adding number together and asking if he's right.. which he usually is. Cheyton is also very charismatic and is always flirting!! Brylee shows strong leadership skills and interpersonal skills. I'm not sure what type of student she'll be, but I'm sure she'll have a huge group of friends. Sierra's riding lessons are going great! She competes in the county fair at the end of July. I can't believe how far she's come in a few short weeks. The first showdeo she went to, she walked Silver around the barrels. Now they trot all the time and she is learning to lope him. She has such better control.

Tim's work is going amazing. He is so happy and content. His diving has picked up for the summer. He is also planning a big dive trip for late this year. He has several projects planned for around the house.. putting the roof on the barn, more fence, a car port, etc.

And I'm going to have time to help with all those projects. I have decided not to teach at VHS next year! I am going to teach one night a week at the University of Phoenix, substitute, and work as a cosmetics consultant. Mainly, though, I'm just going to be more available to my family. I will put the kids on and off the bus everyday and be here for them when they need me. And I'll have more time for myself. I feel so excited about this... my schedule will be whatever I decide it will be!

Like I said, things are exciting here! Life just seems full of promise.

Spring Break 2008; Mother's Day Photo 2006; Brylee; Brylee's Birth; Cheyton; Cheyton's Birth; Sierra; Tim; Rachel; Spring Break; Family. You can e-mail us at

Our Favorite Web sites

Our Blog- Read our comments and post your own.
Dive Site in Tulsa- where Tim teaches scuba