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Jack Cullen, a listeners memories

Started 04/29/02

Last updated: 10/17/13

As a youngster, I began listening to Jack Cullen on CKNW in the early 1980s.

I'd sometimes listen to the Owl Prowl because it had the greatest variety of music and shows from different decades. So much variety that you didn't know what Jack would play next! Very often what Jack would play depended on his mood. It was a miss-match of unrelated but good tunes and programs. I remember he once played cardboard records - these were actual records recorded on pieces of card boards to save money during the war years.
When I listened in the 1980s he would sign on all of his Owl Prowl shows with an instrumental version of a song called "Girl Talk". It was probably done by Neal Hefti from the 1965 film, Harlow.

Network Replay was at 11:05pm daily. My brother and I would fall asleep each night listening to Jack Cullens' Network Replay of old time radio (otr) of: The Mysterious Traveller, Suspense, X-Minus-One, Dimension-X, Inner Sanctum Mysteries, The Shadow, I Love A Mystery (Venture), the Jack Benny Program, Lux Radio Theatre, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar and many many more from various years!
These programs built imagination. As someone recently emailed me: "It's incredible to think that these radio serials were recorded by people just standing around in front of microphones reading scrips. ". The radio shows were so well put together that you could actually see in your mind what's going on.
In the 1980s, Jacks' "Network Replay" of old time radio shows were heard throughout Canada on the Western Information Network (WIN). I don't know the name of the theme music he'd use to sign on his Network Replay shows in the 1980s. (No, it wasn't Girl Talk which was only used for Owl Prowl). If you know the name of his Network Replay theme music he used in the 1980s please let me know.
CKNW has occasionally played the old radio shows at 12 midnight but it's just not the same without Jack!

Sunday nights at 8pm was "98 Memory Lane" on CKNW. That's when Jack would go *way* back in time by playing records from the 20s, 30s, 40s and the 1950s. I had always been curious as to what music my grandparents were listening to back then, and listening to 98 Memory Lane was *the* excellent way to find out! In the 1980s the name of the tune he'd use to open his 98 Memory Lane shows was "Take A Trip To Memory Lane" sung by the Ray Charles singers.

On 98 Memory Lane, Jack would even play records recorded before 1925. Before 1925-26 records were recorded acoustically and played by a gramophone. But there's no reason why they can't be played on modern equipment with the right needle and that's what he did. Who else on radio would play records that far back but Jack Cullen! I looked forward to Sunday nights to find out how far back he'd go and what rare tune I'd hear.
For me it was an opportunity to hear songs I'd never heard of before! It greatly expanded my musical interest.
Before long I'd visit second hand stores and flea markets and bought some 78RPM records. Most will play well with the proper equipment.
I was the only kid who knew who sang a particular tune, in what movie, who wrote it and that Jack Benny visited Vancouver back in the 1940s.
And I was probably the only kid in high school whose parents couldn't object to the lyrics of the songs! And yes, I can safely say, most of what I know about past entertainment I learnt from listening to Jack Cullen!

When I listened in the 80's he'd close all of his shows (Owl Prowl, Network Replay and 98 Memory Lane) with an instrumental version of the tune, Goodnight My Love. But I don't know who did this instrumental version that he used. He also used a music box version of this tune.

Found Old Tapes: One day around 1984, I visited a Salvation Army Thrift store on West Broadway in Kitsilano. There was a box of old cassette tapes someone had donated and I noticed that some cassettes had "Owl Prowl" and "98 Memory Lane" written on them! Someone had donated old tapes they had recorded off air. I bought a few home to listen and noticed they were from the early 1970s. One in particular is dated Dec 1972. And on it Jack only plays tunes from 1947 - the year his friend Sev Morin opened his restaurant in Burnaby. I learnt a lot about his past shows and antics from these tapes. He had other shows he did, such as a call-in shpw where people would phone asking for information on music etc. For these tapes I guess I wasn't the only one recording his shows! Today I wish I had bought all the tapes. Because when I returned the next day, all other cassettes and the box itself were gone.

One thing that surprises me the media hasn't mentioned is during his shows, when he turned his mic on/off to speak to us, we'd hear a little 'click' noise. Listen to his programs and you'll hear what I mean. You always knew when he was going to interrupt a song to say something important about the tune when you'd hear the 'click' from his turning on/off of the mic. For example he'd say: "Now we go way back to 1926 to listen to, Thinking Of You". We hear 'click' and the tune begins to play. After 2 seconds into the song, 'click' "The singer by-the-way is Gene Austin." 'click'.
I don't know if it was intentional, but it was unique.

Jack Cullen's last live broadcast on CKNW was May 18(?) 1999.
The very last time I heard Jack Cullen on radio live was around the year 2000 for a few months on CKST AM 1040 (Vancouver). On that station he would do the Owl Prowl and Network Replay but not 98 Memory Lane.
Then suddenly, CKST AM 1040 changed it's program format. And so Jack was unfortunately taken off the air for good. [Coincidentally, this had also been talk show host Pat Burns' last stop in the early '90s when the station had been known as CIMA 'Magic 104am'. Here's information about this other radio show host I listened to:]

There's a lot of history in the large record collection he left us. Unfortunately, the guide for the collection left us on April 27 2002 when he passed away. He was born John Francis Cullen on February 16Th 1922 in Vancouver and passed away at Saint Mary's hospital in New Westminster.

There will never be another Jack Cullen!!

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Unfortunately, the 'HTML Gear' has closed along with the 'GuestGEAR' Guestbook. So it no longer works. I managed to save some of the guest entries before they deleted them. Here are the ones I was able to save:
Monday 10/04/2004 9:09:46pm  
Name: Joseph Planta 
How you found us?: Other (please specify) 
City/Country: Vancouver 
Comments: Tony:

I had the chance to look at your Cullen page tonight, as well as your page for 
Pat Burns.

It brought back a lot of memories of the old Cullen show on CKNW. I grew up 
listening to Cullen just like you.

I was about 10 when I first listened to Cullen, this was in 1992. I had tuned in 
one night and heard Jack Benny, and being a fan of him, I tuned in and grew to 
enjoy the variety that Cullen had on his program; the rare stuff too. Like any 
fan I decided to write Cullen once. I wrote to him and he very kindly sent along 
an autographed photo. I have it still; it’s hanging here above my desk.

A while later, I had more questions and decided to write. I wanted to know what 
it was like to meet Sinatra, Judy Garland etc. Right after Christmas, this must 
have been 1993 or 1994, and he actually called my house. He must have looked up 
the address in the phone book, because I picked up the phone and that gravely 
yet booming voice shot through the receiver. He had my letter in front of him, 
and he rattled through all of my questions answering each one.

Suffice it to say, it was a thrill. Because of that kindness for a kid, who was 
a fan, I felt I had to go to that memorial. I miss listening to his program, 
because there’s nothing like it anymore.

Kudos on your page. It’s a very good source for information on Jack Cullen. I’m 
sure in the future, when people will want to research him, they’ll use your 
bibliography. Don’t hesitate to link my summary of the memorial, or the tribute 
I wrote right after his death. (Which incidentally, I got a kind note from Rafe 
Mair, who complimented me on it.) I’d be pleased to be included.

I hope more people like yourself devote webspace to people like Cullen, as well 
as our local heritage. Keep me posted on other similar pages or updates.



Joseph Planta
Editor, Senior Columnist 
Friday 09/17/2004 6:35:58pm  
Name: Brent 
Found by: Just Surfed In 
City/Country: Dearborn, Michigan 
Comments: Great page! I never heard of Jack Cullen until I came across a 
recording of him interviewing Annette Hanshaw (20's recording artist). He had 
such an energy to him and I don't think there's anything like that in radio 
anymore. It sounded very raw and impromptu, which is when the magic happens. 
Thanks for the Jack Cullen information. 
Thursday 05/29/2003 8:36:35pm  
Name: Don Harrison 
Found by: Just Surfed In 
City/Country: Surrey B.C. 
Comments: You are so right. Jack was 2 years older than me and I can remember 
him doing his thing down at the Alexander ballroom on Robson st between 
Granville and Howe. He used to go to all of the big name acts that came to the 
cave - the palomar - and Izzy's and he would bring along his recording equipment 
and record the show. Higly illegal but he didn't care because the performers 
knew that he would promote hell out of their music on the radio. No there will 
never be another Cullen and mores the pity because he was one hell of a guy. Do 
you know what has happened to his incredible record collection?
Don Harrison 
Friday 05/09/2003 4:53:14pm  
Name: Bob Baker 
Found by: Just Surfed In 
Comments: Jack was one of the greatest! I also recorded many of his shows - 
mostly in the mid 80's. Once in a while, I'll put one on and they still sound 
Saturday 03/08/2003 1:17:08pm 
This is a private entry.
End of Guest book entries.


After he passed away, CKNW did a 2hr tribute to him on and played favourite clips of his shows. More on this later...

A large memorial service then took place on May 2Th 2002 at Shriner's Hall in Burnaby. A celebration of his life. Thanks to all who organized it, it was excellent. On hand was Severin Morin, Lorne Cullen, Bill Hughes, John Ashbridge, DJ Red Robinson and many others who spoke their memories about him while Jack appeared on a large TV screen. I was there. The place was jam packed.
Read these excellent articles about it from Joseph Planta who was also there:

On display at the ceremony were many newspaper clippings that had been collected over many years - A scrapbook commemorating his life. There were so many that it would have taken hours to read them all.

Cullen Corner:
Many of Jack's video collection were up for sale at the Cloverdale Antique Mall & Auction in Cloverdale, in 2002 if I remember. There area where his tapes were sold was called 'Cullen Corner'. There were old and recent TV shows on VHS and even Betamax (remember Beta?), as well as some of Jack Cullen's rare interviews of himself I mentioned above. Proceeds from the sale benefited the CKNW Orphan's fund.

Brentwood Mall paid him a tribute on August 23 - 25 2002. On hand was the Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada (SPARC) who did live broadcasts by playing clips of Jack Cullen's opening and closing themes and more; It was a real radio broadcast that was transmitted at low power an could be picked up on any normal AM radio in the mall at the frequency of ???? Khz. So, in a way, Jack was back on the air! They even used some of Jacks' radio broadcasting equipment as shown here:
One of Jack Cullen interviews played on a large screen TV.

Later, the Burnaby mayor unveiled a commemorative plaque across from where the Radio Shack was at that time, which was where the Jack Cullen Records store used to be. Here's a photo of it:
Brentwood Mall staff decided that coins from the malls' water fountain be donated to the CKNW Orphan's fund which was Jack's favourite charity.


--------------Cullen on TV & movies--------------

1)Movie introductions on KVOS.
He did movie introductions on KVOS in 1954

2) Both Jack Cullen and Dal Richards did a TV series together around 1961. It was for CHAN TV channel 8, the new CTV network that was launched in 1960. It was a weekly half-hour variety show called "West Coast". Dal Richards was the director of a fifteen piece orchestra at that time and Jack did interviews of some stars.

3) In October 1977, Jack Cullen, Bobby Hughe, and Dave MaCormick were guess on a 1/2 hr TV game show hosted by Red Robinson called "Trivia" on CBC. On the particular game show that I have a copy of, they called themselves 'The Prowlers' and played against 3 others. Jack got most of the answers correct on the particular program I have.

4) I read somewhere that a photograph of Jack appeared in the movie, "A Piano for Mrs. Cimino" a 1982 movie. In this movie, I read Jacks' photograph appeared as Betty Davis' long lost husband.

--------------INTERVIEWS of Cullen--------------

"CBC Flashback"
TV January 1968.

"Take 30: Hard Times (Also known as Hard Times Take 30 Broadcast)
A television public affairs program with host Ed Reid who talks with Vancouver broadcaster Jack Cullen... Cullen shows some of his 200,000 records. Probably 30mins. May 26 1975. It is a News magazine on CBC.

"Alan Hamel Show"
TV summer 1976
Jack was interviewed by Alan Hamel as he talks to the audience about his life and radio career. The guest sitting next to him was the late Yvonne De Carlo - his high school friend from King Edward High School in Vancouver. Alan Hamel shows us a record album that Yvonne made. I only have about 10 minutes of the interview so it may be longer. Al (Alan) Hamell was at one time, Susan Sommers's husband.

"Don Hamilton show"
CBC-TV March 2 1980. About 10 minutes. In it he discusses some history of show business he compiled of Vancouver's' past.

"Saturday Show"
CKVU-TV March ? 1980. This 8 minute interview takes place in his studio. He shows us a 16inch LP record transcription.

{unknown title} by CBC 1983.

"Then & Now" by CBC TV

{unknown title} by Delta Cable TV 10, in 1990.
This is the TV interview I saw playing at both of his memorial but I don't know the name of it. It takes place in his studio and we are shown his large record library and equipment.

--------------Audio Recordings--------------

Louis Armstrong on CKNW Jan. 20 1954. This interview is available on LP at some universities and colleges in the US. Also available is an interview of Duke Ellington he did on Oct. 30 1962. Jack also recorded Louis Armstrong at Kitsilano High in Vancouver in the early '50s.

Jazz Giants - a five album collector's treasury
Publisher: Redwood Records, Vancouver 1001 Redwood Records (5 records discs, 33 1/3). Recordings of various jazz artists taken from Jack Cullen Collection. (Program notes by Jack Cullen and G. Wood)

"Jack Cullen Radio Broadcast Collection" (CAIN No. 12783). I found this in the Canadian Archival Information Network Web Site: ( under the same title. "73 radio broadcasts on cassettes by Jack Cullen of musical broadcasts, news, plays and variety of shows including 'Saturday at Shaughnessy...". Have anyone seen this and know what this is? Please let me know. It may also be found in:

"Jack Cullen interview" October 1982.

"Remembering Jack Cullen Recollection; Memories Lane, Milestones, OwlProwl ".
An audio CD Published by SPARC (Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada) after he died. Tunes taken from his various 98 Memory Lane and Owl Prowl shows. All tunes are introduced by Jack Cullen.

*Note that these above are just the ones I've come across and not a complete list.

A few interesting websites... (The CKNW website once had information about Jack Cullen and its own radio history, but CKNW has since removed that information) The Internet Archive has this:

Find more Cullen stuff here: (Wilf Ray and Jack Cullen)

A forum message board on radio on the west coast; Canadian and US:

Remembering Jack Cullen:

Interview of Annette Hanshaw by Jack Cullen:

This station has played a bit of Jack Cullen:

Google search "Jack Cullen" "Owl Prowl" for more!

Here are some news articles on Cullen over the years. This is definitely not a complete list - just a few I happen to have taken note of.
Most major public libraries have copies of these.

[more may be added later]

Edited by Tony Roy. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again for updates!
