Welcome to the KRU web page. This is a compilation of KRU members' (and other knapper friends) home page links, pictures of their works of art, and friendly links to pages of similar interests that we thought you might find interesting.
We are Flintknappers. That means that we all, in one way or another, chip flint into shapes of modern art. Some are identical in form and composure to ancient artifacts, some are renditions of modern artistic thinkings. Most are just simple graceful artistic self expressions of the artist.
We are all artists, in one way or another. This is a page dedicated to the modern rock chipping artists. We all use similar methods, or principles, that are often quite different. The basics are the same, controlling the concoidial fracture mechanics of stone. The methods in which we use the basics are the difference.
We will show you here and now, the different results of the various methods. We have several categories of knappers. They are as follows:
1. Abo Knappers. These knappers use only tools that were used by the ancient craftsmen of our world. Hammerstones, antler billets, sandstone abraders, rib bone notchers, antler tine pressure flakers, etc.
2. Copper Knappers. These knappers use modern tools made of copper and steel. Soft copper boppers, solid copper boppers, copper wire pressure flakers, silica carbide abrading stones, mild steel pressure flakers, copper flat bar notching tools, copper punches, etc.
3. Flake Over Grinding Knappers. These knappers are the ones who use even more advanced modern methods to create their works of art. They use a combination of the above methods along with modern rock saws and diamond grinders to cut their rock into slabs and then shape them into the desired style of point they want. Then they use their tools of preference, usually pressure flakers, to take a single row of beautiful ribbon flakes off of the ground preforms. One missed flake and the piece is ruined. Not nearly as easy as it sounds or looks. But a highly desirable result.
4. Combo Knappers. These knappers use a combination of methods and tools. Sometimes they use copper, sometimes they use antler. All depends on the piece they are working on, and the desired result. It takes quite a bit of skill to go from copper to antler and back again.
I am sure that I have missed a style or two here, but these are the most common styles that I know of. All require great skill and patience. All result in a great work of art. All should be greatly appreciated for what it is, modern art. An art that was thought to be long forgotten, is being re-discovered everyday by these fine people. I say fine people a lot here. That is really a true statement. Knappers are fine people. They come from all walks of life. I know knappers who are lawyers (We still like them <G>), doctors, dentists, business professionals, welders, machinists, computer programmers, military people, preachers, nurses, high schoolers, oil men, and just about any job you can think of. But when they are knapping, they are just a bunch of great people and are a lot of fun just to be around. So take a look at their web sites, enjoy the pics of their works, email them if you want to buy something from them or if you just have a question. I am sure they will be more than happy to answer you.
Now a lot of these people make modern art works that look like the "real deal." This is just a personal drive in them to make things as the old ones made them. They take great pride in this ability. But there are some people, not usually a knapper, that will take advantage of this art work. They will buy items that look old and ancient and mis-represent these items. This is a bad thing and it gives all knappers a bad name. None of the people represented on this page does this sort of thing. Some sell their works, some just give them away as gifts. Some of these works end up on eBay or other venues of sale. We get the bad name for being "artifakers" and get to be labeled as crooks and thieves, this is not right. We can not help what is being done by others with our art work. Most of use sign our pieces, so as not to be mistaken as old. But people have methods of discoloring and aging our work and passing them on. Please don't do this as it is not right and gives us all a bad name. If you are looking to make your collections of artifacts to grow, go hunt them yourselves. That is the only way to know that they are for sure old. If you collect modern art as that, then by all means, stay with it. Just help us all keep things right, and don't mis-represent modern art works.
If you want to be featured on this page, give me a holler. Thank you for stopping by and taking a look. Email me at if you have any suggestions or comments on our site. And thank you again for stopping by. Hope you learned a little about our art.
Friends Links.
Central States
Archaeological Society. Great mag. Wild man Robert Killgo's
Picture Credits.
Top to bottom of page. James Fletcher, Texas rocks, various styles. Gary Merlie, Dovetail. Gary Merlie, Agee. Roger Warmuskerken, Flint Ridge Dovetail. Roger Warmuskerken, Flint Ridge Dovetail. Gary Merlie, Cumberland. Doug Leeth, Burns Green creations. Unknown Artist, painted by Marilyn.
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