||| 2008 Pitching Schedule ||| Tina's Horseshoe Pitching Scrapbook ||| OHPA Officers ||| NHPA ||| |
The 2008 Oklahoma State Horseshoe Pitching Championships will be held Labor Day weekend at Hafer Park in Edmond. Pitching will begin Saturday, August 30.
Please note this is a different date than listed on your 2008 pitching schedule!!! ***************************************** Entries must be received BY MAIL along with entry fee by Saturday, August 16. Entry form is attached. Schedules will be mailed out one week prior to the tournament. Classes will be determined by NatStat ringer averages. The top five men will be seeded into the Championship division, with the possibility for three move-ups, for an 8-man class. The top 4 women will be seeded into the Championship division, with the possibility for two move-ups, for a 6-woman class. All other classes will be pre-seeded. Play will be 40-shoe cancellation for all classes, with the exception of Men’s and Women’s Championships, which will be 40-point cancellation. Cash prizes will be awarded along with trophies – amount to be determined. A scholarship in the amount of $150 will be awarded to the winners of the Championship Boys and Championship Girls divisions. Trophies will be awarded to all Junior participants. To qualify to pitch in the State Championships, each adult member must have pitched in three sanctioned events in the twelve months prior to the deadline. Junior members must have one event. If you do not have your four events, there is still time. There are two sanctioned tournaments on the schedule before the entry deadline. Woodward is hosting the “Tom Goff Open” Thursday, August 14. Contact Ronnie Frederick to enter – 580-256-2759 or sfrederick@itlnet.net The Jessie Afinowicz Memorial will be in Yukon, Saturday, August 16. Contact David Montgomery to enter.
Items up for discussion will be locations for 2009 State Singles and State Doubles tournaments. Offices up for re-election are 1st Vice President, currently held by Chuck Arnold; and Secretary/Treasurer, currently held by Nancy Montgomery. Nancy will not be seeking re-election. As this is an “even” year, Bylaws will not be amended. The tailgate dinner will begin at approximately 7:00 p.m. with the business meeting following.
HALL OF FAME NOMINEES The OHPA Hall of Fame committee will be considering all eligible individuals to determine a nominee for this year’s Hall of Fame induction. If you would like to recommend a nominee, please send your recommendation to Chairman, Homer Cain at grambo41@yahoo.com or 23151 Badlands, Marland, OK 74644. The committee has devised an accomplishments form for all OHPA members to complete. This will help track your qualifications. These will be kept on file and reviewed periodically. Click here for the form. Please fill it out to the best of your ability and return it to the Hall of Fame Committee chairperson, Homer Cain.
OKIES HOST “BURLY-Q” Entertainment was provided by Stan Spence from Indiana, Pennsylvania. Stan accompanied himself on the guitar while singing a number of old-time country songs which included “Okie from Muskogee” for his Oklahoma friends. The Burly-Q was in honor of long-time horseshoe world icon, the late Gene “Burly” Burlingame, of Iowa, founder of the Paul Stewart Fan Club, otherwise known as “The Stewlies.” Donations were collected and will be used to purchase a “Burly-Q” brick at the Horseshoe Pitchers Hall of Fame in Missouri.
2010 WORLD SITE SET FOR SPRINGIELD, ILLINOIS On their third attempt in as many years, Springfield, Illinois came out victorious. Other sites making bids were Pocatello, Idaho; Little Rock, Arkansas, and Lebanon, Ohio. It was indicated that Little Rock would make another attempt for 2011.
Bring you Orange or Red (or blue?) pitching clothes and your competitive nature!!! And don’t forget your APPETITE!!! Good eats will be in abundance!! This will be your last chance for practice in a tournament before the State Championships, August 30. Contact Tina Hawkins to enter.
If you have items you would like considered for publication in the OHPA newsletter, email tinahawk@msn.com or snail mail to: Rt. 4, Box 52 Marlow, OK 73055 |