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Please let me introduce you to the "original" boys, it may take a while but I think it's worth it.

The first boy we had was Samson(Sammy), he was a black self rex and was born on the 1/1/2002.
He was a lovely little chap. We did enter him in a show not long after we had him. Unfortunately we were told,although he was lovely, he wasn't quite curly enough.
Sammy caused no trouble at all,as long as he could eat and have his yoghurt drops he was quite happy.
He did tend to snatch a bit when yoggies were offered.

Next came Broderick(Brodie).
He was a little champagne hoodie and was purchased from a pet shop. His date of birth was, approximately,1/1/2002.
He was absolutely petrified when we got him and I don't think he had ever been held. He was in a tank with all his brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. The pet shop owner assurred me that they were all too young to fall pregnant
Isn't ignorance bliss?????
It took Brodie a very long time to learn to trust us but turned into a beautiful little boy.He was always last to return to the cage..

After Sammy and Brodie came Dylan and Bruce.Dylan was a little buff and was obtained from the Milo Stud. His date of birth was 2/2/2002.He is pictured here with Oscar as he was very difficult to get on his own.
Dylan was very inquisitive one day and decided to go over and see Willow, our Siamese girl.I'm afraid Willow wasn't very happy to see him and promptly bit off one of his toes.
Dylan did not go over to say hello anymore.

Bruce was a black hooded downunder and was again obtained from the Milo stud, his date of birth was 19/02/2002.Bruce was always one of the first out of the cage, he was very nosey and was desparate to get to the girls.He was very acrobatic and nearly made it to them one day going across the radiator, onto a candle stick, up on to the TV and on to another candle stick. It was only by chance that I managed to stop him.

caught in the act Our next arrivals were 2 more pet shop boys, Basil and Bertie.
Both were born about,9/02/2002.I would say that Basil was a gorgeous cinnamon and Bertie was a maskie.
Both were very frightened when we got them but they soon turned into the most loving ratties you could have.
Basil had a thing with remote controls and, at one point, had bitten off 27 buttons. He was very quick and had to be watched very carefully.
Bertie was a bit more laid back and wass quite happy sitting on your shoulder or down your shirt.
Both ratties were very free with their kisses.

Next to arrive were the Dumbos. We've already seen Oscar but this is Merlin, his brother.They were born on the 13/02/2002 and purchased from the Shumanite Rattery in Newcastle.
Oscar was an agouti berkshire and Merlin was a black berkshire.
Both ratties were absolutely gorgeous. Oscar was a very solid rat and Merlin was a bit of a dope. He loved attention and kisses and used to sit with you forever.They were both pigs with the yoghurt drops though.
Both were extremely friendly ratties.

Max and Barney came next. Max was a mink rex and was born on the 24/02/2002.He came from the Ratty Rascal rattery in Birmingham. He was so laid back it's a wonder he could stand and he was absolutely huge. I often thought that he wasn't a ratty at all but a guinea pig with a tail.He was very licky and very, very slow.Once out of the cage he was often found fast asleep on the settee. It had all just been too much for him.....

Barney was a big Cinnamon boy also from Ratty Rascals and born on 19/02/2002.
He was a bit of a rebel. Whenever there was any trouble in the cage it normally involved him. He was very inquisitive and very independant, preferring to go off on his own.
Barney had beautiful features and was also very large, he could however, give you the odd nip if you caught him unawares.

Finally came Leornardo(Leo).
Leo ia a platinum dumbo and was born on the 7/04/2002.He was a lovely chap and followed Merlin in his ways.
He could be a little flighty at times but again, once he was out he'd soon settle down and was also one of the last to go back in the cage.

I hope you've enjoyed your introduction to the "original" boys.
All these boys have now passe to the Bridge but it;s lovely to look back and remember them and all their antics. Each and everyone was very very special. .
