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A Brief Introduction To Our Little Girls

Our little girls will not take very long to introduce as there are only 9 of them.

Our first little girl was Roxanne.
Without Roxy this web site would not have happened.She is our very first little rattie and was purchased from a pet shop. She is a black hooded and her date of birth is approximately 21.11.2001.
Roxy was very very scared when we brought her home and it has taken a lot of time and patience to get her how she is today.
She is a lovely rattie who loves to sit on your shoulder, she also likes to help out on the computer.

After getting Roxy we decided to find out more about ratties, it was then we discovered what very intelligent and loveable creatures they were.
We soon learnt that ratties should not be left on their own unless you could devote a lot of time,... they love company.
We decided to go out the next day and get a friend for Roxy. It was then that Roberta came into out lives. Robbie is a little mismarked capped, she has a little black spot on her back. She was even more scared than Roxy and the conditions she was kept in left a lot to be desired. She soon needed a trip to the vets which resulted in her having an injection, that left her with a very nasty scab on her back and we soon took her back.
Even now you can still she where she had that injection as she has a tiny bit of fur missing.
Robbie is a very naughty little rattie and you can often spot her out the corner of your eye running along the floor.
She has come a very long way since that first day we brought her home, you would not think she was the same rattie.
Soon after came Willow and Dottie.
Both came from Cosmic Squeak Rattery.Willow is an extremely large Siamese rattie who was born on the 14.11.2001, she can be a bit tempermental at times and not only has she had Dylan's toe but little Morticia also got a little too close to the cage one day. Willow soon told her who was boss, Morticia keeps her distance now.
Dottie is a little PEW,(pink eyed white) born on the 6.02.2002.
Dottie is turning into a lovely rattie who would rather just sit in the background and watch the others get into trouble.She is not as big as Willow, (I don't think Morticia is as big as Willow), but she is still a very cuddly rat. There's not a lot to say about Dottie as she has never been in any bother and has never caused any trouble.
Dottie does not like to go exploring like the other girls, instead, she would much rather sneak into Willow's cage and pinch all her food.
Next to arrive were Misty and Megan.
Both came within a week of each other and both came from pet shops.Their date of birth is approximately 13.02.2002.
Misty is a very quiet little rattie who just loves to be held, she loves to sneak down your jumper and let you know she is their.
Megs, on the other hand, is an extremely naughty rattie. She was very quiet when we brought her home and would have nothing to do with us at all. Now, if an ornament is knocked over you can gaurantee Meggie is behind it. She is often seen following her partner in crime, Robbie, around the room. She is a very loveable rattie.

Next to arrive was Molly, she too came from a pet shop and is a blue berkshire. Her date of birth is approximately 13.02.2002. All our pet shop girls are very small compared to the ones off the breeders, I think this is due to all the imbreeding. People have the ratties not knowing what sex they are and just let them breed and breed and breed.This results in very small rats.
Although they may be small, not unlike large mice really, they are all still very loving and are learning to give out kisses. Molly is no exception, she loves to climb over the chairs and can often be found hiding under a blanket.

Millie arrived shortly after, she's a lovely platinum dumbo again from the Cosmic Squeak rattey. Her date of birth is 21.02.2002.
She's a beautiful little girl, very typical of the dumbos in that she is a bit dopey. You'll often stand at the side of the cage and she'll sneak on your shoulder and just sit there,she would have made a very good mom.

Our final little girl to arrive is Candia, she is a blue rex dumbo carrier. She came from a breeder and her date of birth is 01.05.2002.Candia a still very weary of is which is unusal considering she came from a breeder. it's taking a lot of time for her to learn to trust us and she still gives out the odd squeak or nip. At the moment we are just taking our time and getting her used to being held. Hopefully, in the future she will be as naughty as Robbie and Megs.

Although Candia was our last little girl we did purchase 2 more platinum sisters from the Black Forest Rattery in Reading. I'm afraid that when I got them home my daughter took an instant liking to them and they have lived in her bedroom ever since. .Lilith(Lily) is a platinum dumbo and Cleopatra(Cleo) is a platinum dumbo carrier. Both have become very plump and spoilt ratties.
The whole bedroom had to be "rattie proofed" but they have the time of their lives when they are out the cage,they have complete freedom of the whole room, if you stand still for too long you are very likely to walk out with a ratty half way up your leg. They too like helping on the computer. They have also taken over nannies heart.......
