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Question: What is an Aerobic system?

Answer: Aerobic systems are waste water treatment systems. These systems use bacteria (aerobic & anaerobic) to break down the solid waste flushed from your home. The system then disinfects the water to make it safe to apply onto your property.

Do you know, that numerous aerobic systems have ceased to function properly?

Are you aware, that improperly treated waste water contaminates everything that it touches?

Do you know, improperly treated waste water contains water borne contaminates, such as; Bacteria, Phosphorous, Nitrates, Salts, Metals, and other toxic materials?

Are you aware, that ingestion of biologically contaminated or cross-contaminated material, can cause disease from microorganisms such as; Escherichia Coli, Salmonella, Choleraesusuis, Streptococcus Pyogenes, Giardia, Hepatitis A, Helminths, Cryptosporidium, Rota Virus WA( the most common cause of diarrhea in children), Meningitis, Polio Virus Type 1, and Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)?

Are you aware, improperly applied waste water can create puddles of water which can breed mosquitoes.


Are you aware, that mosquitoes can carry and transmit diseases such as; Yellow Fever, St. Louis Encephalitis (SLE), Western Equine Encephalitis (WEE), Malaria, and West Nile Virus?

Do you know, that in most instances Aerobic Systems are installed in your back yard?

Question: Do you entertain friends or family in areas that may be contaminated?

Question: Do you allow your children to play in areas that could be contaminated?

Question: Do your pets come in contact with contaminated areas in your yard? Do they enter your home?

Fact: With proper maintenance and care these systems are perfectly safe.

Question: What should you do to insure that your system is safe? (ANSWER)