Trini slangs
Bachanal (pronounced bac-a-nal) -- Confusion, trouble, when someone is causing trouble we say they looking for bachanal.
Ent -- don't you agree? or I agree
Maco --A person who is always in other peoples affairs
Tabanca -- When you are worrying over a cheating spouse
Horning -- cheating on your mate
Fete -- A huge party, usually with live music
Ah -- instead of I ... Ah going to get me some KFC for lunch today...LOL
Meh -- used for me or my, meh mother coming to meet me. I don't want him to see meh!!
Aye --Hi there, Aye girl, what you doing?
Nah -- no, used in place of please and for emphasis. Send me a photo nah!!
Aye-ya-yie! --Expression of anticipation or pain,
Back chat-- Insolent response, especially from a child to an adult.
Badjohn --A bully, tough guy.
Bad-drive -- Reckless drive.
Bad-lucky --Unlucky.
Bad-mind -- Evil thoughts/intentions
Bamboozle --To con or fool someone.
Bamsee/Bumsee -- Butt - the rear end, what you sit on.
Bazodee -- Stunned, dazed and confused. Also spelt "bazodi".
Blank -- stand up a date.
Bluenote -- Trinidad $100 bill.
Bobolee -- Someone who is taken advantage of.
Boldface -- Pushy , unreasonably demanding.
Boobooloops --Grossly overweight person - usually female.
Broughtupsy --Decorum, manners.
Buh wait nah -- But wait a minute, now hold on/it.
Cheups(Steups) -- A noise made by sucking your teeth. Expression of disappointment/disgust.
Chinkee --Very tiny portions of anything.
Chupidee.....A foolish person.
Commess.....Confusion associated with arguments, gossip and slander.
Conk out....Stop working, fall asleep.
Cuff.....Hitting someone or something with a cleched fist.
Cut-eye.....A look of anger.
Dan-dan.....Fancy clothes, any sharp looking outfit.
Dat good for yuh.....Serves you right.
Dey....There - e.g. "Dong dey"....down there.
Dotish (doltish) .....Silly, stupid, foolish.
Douen (Dwen) ....Spirit of unbaptised child.
Dougla .....Mixture of East Indian and African parentage.
Drevait(dree-vay) .....Wayward person who likes to "knock about".
Dub ....Any type of Reggae music
Eh .....What did you say?
eh-eh .....No, no way, oh no.
Eh-heh .....Oh really? I understand. Yes.
Ent?(ain't) .....Is that not so? That's true, isn't it?
Faddah .....Father.
Fete .....A big party, loud music, lots to eat and drink, dancing to wee hours of the morning.
Fuh ....For.
Fuh true?.....Yes that is true. Is that really so?
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