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Are You Good Enough For Heaven?

When people think about going to heaven, they think that heaven is a place for "good" people and that hell is a place for "bad" people. So when they think about which category they fall into, they like to say to themselves, "Well, I consider MYself to be a 'good person.' "

Well, I'm sure you do!

But how can doing evil make a person good? And what IS evil but violating and damaging your own conscience, until you can no longer even tell the difference between what is morally good or evil in certain areas of your life? Yet you rationalize each sin repeatedly until you successfully deceive yourself into believing that you can tell good from evil just fine, thank you very much! So that you can later say to yourself: "Well, I consider MYself to be a good person."

Doing evil does not make a person good. It makes a person GUILTY! And you can't be both!

All of us are guilty and unrighteous. And if we refuse to admit it, we're being SELF-righteous!

God warns us to abandon our self-righteousness and to admit to Him of our UNrighteousness, believing that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins so that we won't have to pay for our own sins ourselves by dying in the lake of fire. Then we are to put our trust in CHRIST'S righteousness, since He's the only one who ever lived a PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS life, and nothing short of a perfect and sinless life will entitle a person to enter into God's holy heaven. So everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and REPENTS of his sins will not only get his sinful life's record ERASED from his name in God's record book in heaven, but he'll also get the PERFECTLY RIGHTEOUS life's record of Jesus Christ to take its place!!! And when the perfect life of Jesus has YOUR name on it, THAT'S going to be YOUR ticket to heaven! It's CHRIST'S righteousness that's going to get us there--not our own SELF-righteousness, lest anyone should boast of what a "good person" he thinks he is and how impressed God is supposed to be with all his righteous deeds to let him into heaven or to give him a nice afterlife...or how much better he thinks he is than someone else who's a "bad person."

Remember this: You are saved by having FAITH in what Christ did in your behalf, paying for your sins by dying on the cross, and living the righteous life that makes YOU deserving of heaven. And faith is what you've got when you allow whatever's left of your violated and damaged conscience to persuade your intellect that the Bible is true. The God of your conscience is the God of the Bible--same Holy Spirit God. And whatever's left of one will convince you to believe in the other--IF you're willing to listen.

When the perfect and sinless life's record of Jesus Christ is recorded onto your name in God's record book in heaven, and God looks at you, IT'S LIKE HE'S LOOKING AT JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF!! And that's what's going to make you worthy to enter into God's holy heaven--because Jesus was worthy!

Jesus not only came to this earth to suffer and die on the cross of Calvary to pay the penalty for our sins, but He also came to live the perfect and righteous life which we all SHOULD have lived in order to become worthy of being given eternal life in paradise. When we sinned (disobeyed God's Ten Commandments) we lost heaven, but Jesus came here to earn it back for us! Our sinful lives deserved death and condemnation from God. Jesus accepted that condemnation and death for us when He died on the cross to pay for the sins we committed. But before He died for our sins He lived a perfectly righteous life, and THAT deserves heaven as its reward. Jesus took our punishment so that we can have His reward. He SWITCHED with us--He took what we deserved so that we can have what He deserved! Do you see how it works?

And all you have to do to get your sins blotted out from your name in God's record book in heaven and to get the perfect and holy life's record of Jesus Christ to take its place, is to believe that Jesus Christ, our almighty Creator, left heaven to be born as a human being on earth. Believe that He died on the cross for your sins and then rose again from the dead three days later and is now back up in heaven. You need to ask Him to forgive your sins and to set you free from them.

Just pray this prayer:

Jesus, I believe you died on the cross to pay the penalty for all my sins. I invite you into my heart and ask that you take complete control of my life from now on and be my Lord. Please forgive my sins and help me to stop committing them. Thank you for saving me. In your name I pray, Lord Jesus. Amen.

If you prayed that prayer, your name has just been recorded in God's Book of Life. That means that you have just inherited eternal life since only Jesus can give it. When Christ returns He will give you the gift of immortality and take you to live with Him in paradise for all eternity! If you should die before Christ returns, He will resurrect you out of your grave and give you the gift of eternal life and you will never die again! Christ had victory over death when He walked out of His tomb, and you will share in that victory! Whoever trusts his life to Jesus Christ will have eternal life.

"I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." (John 11:25) "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God (Jesus) hath not life." (I John 5:12)

If you didn't pray that prayer, you will be condemned as GUILTY on the final Day of Judgment and you will be sentenced to burn in the lake of fire (see Rev. 20:9) until there's nothing left of you but ashes! But before you are destroyed God will show you the paradise that you could have had but chose to trade away just so you could enjoy the sinful pleasures of this brief life. And when that happens, Satan is going to laugh IN YOUR FACE and call you a SUCKER, because he ripped you off BUT GOOD!!!

The choice is yours. Choose the Source of eternal life and ask Him to forgive your sins so that you can live forever in paradise, or reject your only hope of salvation and end up burning in hell with the majority of mankind.

You make your own choice and God will ratify the decision you've made!

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