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     A Lifetime of Moments


           Welcome to my shrine devoted to my favourite band from the
           1980's, Glass Tiger.  Why Glass Tiger, you ask.  Well, it's
           simple.  Glass Tiger was the band that got me into a
           big way.  Before I heard their music, I was just like any other
           kid...I wanted to be a lawyer, or doctor.  But when I heard Glass
           Tiger, I changed my mind...I wanted to be a rock star.  This
           change of heart led to my decision to take up playing guitar, bass
           and tenor saxophone.  It also allowed me to put my writing skills
           to the test...songwriting.  Although my musical ambitions never
           really took off, my band broke up when our drummer moved to
           Calgary and our vocalist became a raving egomaniacal loony, I still
           love to listen to and play music.  I feel that this interest is due
           mainly to my exposure to Glass Tiger back when I was a wee
           sixth grader.  That, my friends is the reason behind this web site.


             For random facts about Glass Tiger, click here

          To access Glass Tiger's discography, click here

          To read some of their lyrics, click here

          For Brief biographies on band members click here

                     Where are they now? To find out, click here

          For my small (but growing) image gallery, click here

          Check out my fun section... click here

                               For links to other websites, click here

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              1999 Andromedastraine

This planetiger site owned by Andromeda.

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