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Arender Family Roots

Someone gained access into our Arender Family Roots website and destroyed all files.

I do not KNOW who this "someone" is; and, I do not know WHY this "someone" would destroy our Arender Family Roots website.

However, I do KNOW that our Holy Bible tells the story of two BROTHERS who were torn apart "because the older brother was jealous of his younger brother because of his accomplishments with his work".

Since brothers might harbor "ill-feelings" toward one another, it is very clear that we do not KNOW who are enemies MIGHT be; therefore, it is very doubtful that I will rebuild our Arender Family Roots website, because it is very disappointing to see "my work destroyed".

More of my work can be seen at THE SNAKE DEN which is located at:

See THE SNAKE DEN while you can, because IT might be destroyed next.

The Snake Den: Writings by Loyde Arender

Poetry, Photographs, and other writings by PFC Loyde P. Snake Arender,USMC.