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I don't know if you've noticed (If your a Nick or Mig fan I'm sure you haven't) but Kevin and Howie are not treated as equals. I can't tell you how many times I've opened up a Teen magazine and frantically searched for a Howie or Kevin pin-up and came up short (it's like trying to find fucking Waldo). There were plenty of Nick and Brian poster but like hell I wanna look at that mess. And I can't tell you how many times I've had to strain to hear Howie and Kevin sing, and on the rare occasion where they actually were given a solo it's so short that I always seem to miss it. I ask you is this fair? No of course not! That's why I started H.A.T.E. Howie And Train as Equals. Here are a few examples of how Howie and Train are treated unfairly...

1.) No Solos-Now I know what your saying "They have solos!" Oh yeah they have what like 2 solos between them? And how many do Mig, Nick, and AJ have? Can you say about 3 Cd worth? I can.

2.) 10,000 Promises- Now what in the fuck is up with that? Kevin sings it live in concert and does a blazin job of it, and they give it to AJ, Mig, and Nick to fuck up on the Cd. Kevin doesn't even get a little tiny solo part...what the fuck??? Whose no brain idea was that? Oh yeah Pearlman that bastard!

3.) INBYH- Ok I hate this song anyways but Kevin get to do the little talky part in the begin and I guess they think that counts as a solo(Pshh no) but when they play the damn song on the radio or when the BsB sing it on TV shows they always cut that part out! And poor Howie doesn't even get a solo nor a small talky part which they would cut out to piss me off.

4.) AIHTG- Yet another song where they supposedly all get solos. Kevin gets such a small solo that if I freaking sneeze I'd miss it and then what do they do? You guessed it they FUCKING CUT IT OUT! Seen the video...CUT OUT! Heard it on the radio...CUT OUT. Seen them preform it on a TV show...CUT THE FUCKING OUT!

5.) Magazines- I've already spoke my mind about those bastards that run all the teeny bopper magazines so I'm not going to say how anal they are and how if I ever find who decides what pictures go in how sorry they'll be.

6.) Shania Twain Special- Uh huh Kevin was the only one who didn't get a full solo Shania had to sing with him, like he couldn't hold the tune by himself. And I have a feeling that when it can time for his solo part they turned down his microphone.

7.) Microphones- Ok I'm not stupid and I KNOW those bastards turn down Howie's and Kevin's microphones when they are trying to sing. Want some proof? Ok how about when MTV had Backstreet TV. When the group goes to sing AIHTG and Kevin's little solo(and I do mean fucking little)comes up and he goes to sing, his microphone is down so low you can't hear him and by time they turn it back up his damn solo is over!

See the injustice? It must be stopped! If you want to support H.A.T.E then just copy the ribbion or picture above and add it to your page with the HTML code below...

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OH MY GOD AELERT THE FUCKING PRESSES!!! KEVIN GOT A SOLO IN THE NEW SONG "WANT IT THAT WAY" AND HE ACTUALLY COULD BE HEARD!!! I know it's ok BREATHE! I had trouble breathing when I first heard my Baby ::Sob:: on the radio ::Sob:: he was singning a solo ::Sob:: on the RADIO!!! ::SCREAMS:: Finally the death threats I've been sending paid off! Sike but isn't it GREAT?!?!? I still can't believe it, still in shock, still peeing myself. Now the fuckers at TransCon gotta work on Howie! Yeah mad loves for D...GIVE HIM A SOLO YOU COMMIE BASTARDS!

Wanna Join? Email me and I'll add your name to the list...we gotta fight to get things done damnit!