Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato

Rev. Dr. YUSEN YAMATO is a Buddhist Monk and Zen Shiatzu Meditation Practitioner. He was the coordinator of the Long Walk for Survival in 1980 and the initiator of the United Nations 50th anniversary Global Peace Walk from New York to San Francisco in 1995. He has worked in the US for over 20 years networking with the indigenous American spiritual leaders and has facilitated meetings between the Hopi representative and His Holiness Dalia Lama. Rev. Yamato has been inspired by his involvement in witnessing the mutual fulfillment of Tibetan and Japanese Buddhist prophecy along with the Hopi prophecy regarding the spiritual reawakening due in these times. He has deep knowledge of eastern cultures and a unique perspective and knowledge of the past two millenia history including the overall role of the hemp plant outlawed in Japan since 1945 and previously a mainstay of the traditional economy. He has dedicated his life to the spiritual reawakening necessary for Global Peace Now! For more information on the Global Peace Walk or to join the coordinator' email group list. For more details see the message, Global Peace Walk, Pathway to Global Peace Zone 2000.

GCSC-2 Update (4FEB99):


Conducting the opening prayer and message for the confernce (GCSC-2), in cooperation with indigenous spiritual practitioners, will be the initiator of the Global Peace Walk, Rev. Dr. Yusen Yamato, who studied in Japan, graduated from traditional schools as a Buddhist Monk and Zen Shatsu Meditation Practitioner, roughly equivalent to a minister and doctor of eastern medicine and philosophy in our culture. He has a special blessing from His Holiness Dalai Lama for the Global Peace Walk which carries His Holiness' message for peace along with those of many supporters including indigenous American cultural and spiritual leaders and spokes -people. Rev. Yamato understands of His Holiness' interest in the new scientific studies of the vacuum energy field as they relate to the teaching of "the void", or "emptiness", thought in Eastern philosophies be the root of our physical reality. Rev. Yamato is carrying the Message of the Symbol of Peace, as embodied in the Stupa and Peace Pole Monuments of ancient India, which brought about an end to war inaugurating a 500 year period without crime or violence in the area. Rev. Yamato will be in Japan for about two weeks before 26FEB99 on a Peace Messenger Mission to further the Global Peace Zone Sister City relationship between San Francisco and Osaka. He regrets that in spite of the Peace Constitution adopted by Japan after the end of World War II, under the auspices of Japan's "Self Defense Force", the United States has imposed on it the financial responsibility of maintaining that military force, now greater than that before World War II, and has created over 60 nuclear power plants in Japan, including a large plutonium recycling plant, on his very earthquake active homeland. He may be reached at

Rev. Yamato at Global Crisis Solutions Conference
Global Emergency Alert Response Homepage
More on the Global Peace Walk Project
