Two years ago, my wife and I travelled through
parts of India. On our travels, we saw some things that were very
beautiful, some not. We also learned a great deal about what we would do
differently if we were to do any long haul travelling in the future. This
page is therefore designed to give some kind of general purpose to my life
for the next year or so, while we are out on walkabouts. Beginning in
February 1999, we will be travelling through parts of Europe and India
when we will be sure to return to the foot hills of the Himalaya. I have
to admit that I am already in a different head space, knowing that I will
be spending the next year taking pictures of cool stuff in all sorts of
cool places! We also hope to offer some useful travel tips and information
based on our past and present experiences.
The first and most important thing we learned which
we can offer to someone planning an extended trip is, "Don't Over
Plan"! Let your trip unfold naturally. I know this sounds like there
might be some chemicals involved in my thinking but honestly, there
aren't. My point is, how many times have you heard someone who has just
returned home after a short trip only to tell you all the things they
didn't see? Imagine how much those people would have missed on a long
trip? There is so much to see and do out there but if you have never been
to a particular place before, you don't know what you will find. So, take
your time, see as much as you want and have fun.
Oh ya, the fish. It always intrigued me as I was
visiting the area of Darjeeling District to find similar symbols of fish
in homes, hotels, places of business and religious buildings. I mean, in an
area that seems to be so defined by the solid matter around it
(mountains), it seemed somewhat out of place that they would choose a fish
as an important symbol, religious or otherwise. I asked and asked but got
no answer until I found this one:
The golden fish symbolizes
the auspiciousness of all living beings in a state of fearlessness,
without danger of drowning in the ocean of sufferings, and migrating from
place to place freely and spontaneously, just as fish swim freely without
fear through the water.
Words to travel by.
Some topics of interest
and Kalimpong, the area we know best.
you are going to need to take with you.
jet lag sucks. So what can I do with it?
train travel, recommended for those with the patience of a saint.
herbalists, botanists and people interested in smoking pot in India.
taxiwallahs and buying just about anything else you need.
Here are some helpful links
Lonely Planet. All sorts of great travel info and ideas.
Equipment Coop. Non profit organization with great clothing,
packs, boots, socks etc, etc, etc...
News Searchable index for news on the area you will be
travelling in. (hint: try searching Darjeeling)
in Sikkim A page authored by a person who is obviously
passionate about lakes and Sikkim.
Digital cameras, video cameras and personal audio devices...
'cause you gotta have tunes!
Searchable Yellow Pages for India.
Airlines Currency Converter To help you get a handle on how
much you are spending.
Airlines Internal flights to the places you want to go.
Airways Always had good experiences with this carrier for
internal flights.
Travel Easy to read price schedules for Jet Airways in India.
Outfitters Good links and product info on outdoor and travel
Reviews of hundreds of outdoor and travel products.
Watches...if they are good enough for James Bond and John
Glen they ought to be good enough for just about anyone.
Excellent travel publications. The UK guide was great!
Europe Bookstore Looks like a fairly exhaustive list of books
on UK travel.
Bug Bookstore A well organized page based in Vancouver B.C.,
and that's in Canada and that ain't bad.
Network Consultants ISP in Kathmandu, if you are staying for
High Commission in Ottawa Kind of explains itself...
Document Systems Passports, visas, vaccination info,
advisories etc...
of India General India info, Ministry of Tourism, Indian
Politics and Offices of the Indian High Commission Abroad
High Commission in Ottawa That's in Canada!
Express Travel Clickable index to American Express Travel
Offices worldwide.
That's me and my friend,
Ugen. He is the chang master.