My Cute Spring Bug Fridgies Collection
I made these cute little ladies up for an exchange that I was doing.. I sure hope you like them! I thought they were too cute to keep to myself. lol.
You can either use magnets or, if you prefer, you can hot glue pins to the back to make pretty spring jewelry. It is your choice!
hugss to all!!
if you have any questions or concerns, please email me!!!!
COPYRIGHT INFO: Please do not copy my patterns to sell. Feel free to make as many bugs as you like to give, share or sell, but do NOT take my pattern and sell it, copy it or use it in any other way. Do not claim these patterns as your own.
These patterns were typed up by my 13yr old, Amy. Thank u Amy for your help!! LOVE U!
Other FREE Crochet Patterns for U!!
FREE Plastic Canvas Patterns for U!!
Email: prpl_smok@yahoo.com