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Since I've started watching the TV show The Profiler, I've become intrigued by the slashy possibilities inherent in Sam and Angel's relationship. I wrote this story snippet for the PFX list, and now I'm putting it here for the rest of you. Remember, it's just a snippet; I'm working on revising it and developing it into a full-fledged story. If you have any comments or suggestions on where you want to see this go, I'd love to hear from you! Email me at

Hmm, before I go any further, I suppose I should let you all know that I do not own these characters. Sam, Angel, and the rest of the Profiler characters are owned by Sander/Moses Productions and NBC. I'm just borrowing them. Also, this is a slash story, boys and girls -- that means we've got a same-sex relationship, here. If the idea of two women in love bothers you, then you might want to go elsewhere.

by Aimee

Sam and Angel sat next to each other on the sofa, enjoying a quiet evening alone together. Chloe was spending the night at a friend's, so the house seemed unusually still and silent. Empty. Angel sighed unhappily and put her wine glass down on the end table with a click.

Sam turned toward her friend. "Angel, are you all right? You've seemed a little down all evening."

She shrugged. "It's nothing, really."

Sam regarded her with steady, compassionate eyes. "If it's bothering you, it's not nothing." She put a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. "What is it?"

Angel sighed a little and gave Sam a wry little half-smile. "You always could get me to talk, even when I don't want to." Sam just smiled back and squeezed her shoulder encouragingly. "The other day, just before the football game, John and I finally had our talk."

"Oh," Sam said softly, understanding.

"We broke up. I don't know why I'm upset about it...I knew it was coming...I just--" She broke off and sighed. "I don't know. Sometimes I just get tired of the whole game, you know? Men." She shook her head. "Sometimes I wish..." she trailed off.

Sam's touch on her shoulder tightened, became less comforting and more...caressing? Angel lifted her head, startled.

"I know exactly what you mean," Sam said. "Oh, I know."

Their eyes met, and held.

It was a moment of rare and strange communication; the air took on an edge of crystalline clarity. Angel was unnaturally aware of the room around her, of the feel of the sofa cushions underneath her, of the touch of Sam's hand, of the soft ticking of the clock in the next room. But, most of all, of those eyes, those amazing blue eyes. She saw the world rearrange itself in those eyes. In that one, solitary instant, in that short span of eternity, their souls lay open to each other in their eyes, and the impossible became possible, the opaque obvious. Questions passed between them, and were met with answers.

Then, suddenly, the moment was over, leaving Angel dizzy with new ideas, clutching at Sam for support. Sam peered worriedly at Angel's face, voice a little rough with concern. "Angel? Are you all right?"

Angel blinked dazedly. "Yes," she said, sounding rather amazed. She sat up and smiled. Sam blinked at the brilliance of that smile.

"Oh, yes," Angel laughed. She leaned forward against Sam. Sam's arms tightened around her, changing from support to embrace. Angel murmured softly, one last time, "yes" ...

...and then she kissed her.


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