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公務員通訊編輯委員會 ( 公務員通訊 52 期, 2001年11月)

The Pheonix of Murray House

Civil Service Newsletter Editorial Board

( Civil Service Newsletter, Nov 2001, vol 52 ) 中間內頁

In the Old Days 昔日丰采

At the right bottom corner is Murray House in 1870. It enjoyed a full seaview across the Hong Kong Cricket Club in the early years

Murray House became the new office of Hong Kong Government’s Rating and Valuation Department in April 1963. From this picture taken in 1968, we can see that renovation of and alteration to the building were kept to a minimum.

Although Murray House photographed in 1978 remained unchanged, skyscrapers had already risen along the seafront, Opposite Murray House, across the flyover, is Murray Road Multi-storey Carpark, further north is Hutchison House. The tallest building right in the middle of the picture is Hotel Furama.

Doubts were raised over Murray House’s structural stability when the local Antiquities Advisory Board was about to declare it a monument in 1978. This photograph taken in 1979 showed the Doric and Ionic columns round the verandah combined with the simplicity of its Greek Revival style which made the building worth preserving.

A New Lease of Life 古樓新貌

Local culture was taken into consideration when designing the reconstruction of Murray House in Stanley. An unobstructed fung shui lane is preserved for the
Tin Hau Temple so that the main entrance of the temple can have a direct access to the seafront. A pair of stone lanterns accentuates the length of the fung shui lane from the Tin Hau Temple.

Hong Kong Housing Authority grasped the opportunity to offer Murray House a new home in Stanley as part of the overall Ma Hang Village development by turning the building into elegant restaurants for quality dining.

A stone relief of a pair of fish in classical Chinese motif is placed to emphasize the point where the fung shui lane meets the sea.


A Closer Look at the Murray House 

More than four thousand pieces of stones and columns of Murray House were meticulously numbered and marked before demolition in 1982. Subsequently the building was reconstructed at Stanley and reopened in 2000.

A replica roof was made to simulate the original timber roof trusses. Visitors can now appreciate this masterpiece of art on the second floor.

Pockmarks from strafing during World War II and mortises left by the original railings can still be found on the stone columns. The present hand railing is fixed onto the inner concrete frame so as to keep away from the stone columns and facade.

The eight
chimneys on the rooftop came from another century-old building, the former mental hospital at High Street, Sai Ying Pun to fill the blank left behind by the missing chimneys.

The East Meets The West 

Stone columns from the redevelopment of Shanghai Street, Yaumatei, reminded the local people of the glamorous days of the traditional mortgage business.

The fibre optic lighting system installed along the covered walkway and the Murray House staircase serves as a directional lighting as well as a dynamic colour. It adds a romantic touch to this old building.

flagpole was the original flatstaff of HMS Tamar, a Royal Navy depot ship stationed in Hong Kong long before the Japanese invasion. The ship was scuttled by its own crew during the Battle of Hong Kong.

Murray House, given a new lease of life, shines at the waterfront of Stanley.


[3/2002 獲授權轉載,特此鳴謝 ]

( Re-published with kind permission, March 2002)