The Mad Rocket Scientists
Experimental Aviation Website
Welcome to the experimental aeronautics page of the completely unknown
" Mad Rocket Engineers "
( please see footnote 1 )
Who are these self proclaimed madmen you ask ???
Well, if you have to ask , you are on the wrong page of this website. For introductions : ((((( click here ))))))
This page is the launching point to a whole bunch of experimental aviation ideas and designs. So if you are looking for the tried and true ( spam can ) .............. you have the wrong guys.
Latest News : Currently, we are once again re-building the Eos Raptor and getting it ready for return to flight.
A large bit of our attention over the last few years has been to create a " next generation " tandem wing aircraft. To this end, we designed, built and are flight testing a prototype engineering test bed aircraft: its call sign is " Eos Raptor "
This website and all it contains is totally experimental. We are in no way sanctioned, condoned, or even acknowledged by any serious aviation groups or organizations like the EAA, FAA, Viking Aircraft, or Slipstream Inc.
Please note that we are in no way associated with ( or in contact with ) the legal owners of the DragonFly aircraft design. If you are looking for the legal owners of the Dragonfly aircraft design, you may contact Slip Stream Inc. by << clicking here >> . Legal plans, parts, etc. are available only from the factory. Please take the time to visit this official resource site. Again, we are in no way associated with any " factory " sponsored activities.
Also please note : The official owners of the Dragonfly design have officially separated themselves from all " scratch builders " as of March 2001. To the best of our knowledge, Slipstream does not support, endorse, or in any way associate themselves with the historical " plans built " community that has created 99% of the existing Dragonfly aircraft in the world. Fortunately this " disassociation " has had far less affect on the plans building community than you might imagine. In fact, as far as the plans built community is concerned, it had no affect on the world wide building and learning effort that is the Dragonfly family. Oh yea, we Mad Rocket Engineers were being ignored by the factory long before the rest of the gang got disowned. We like to think we are trend setters in all facets of this adventure.
For the most part, this site is about experimental aircraft building and basic aerodynamics as it is applied to designing and building a 220 mph tandem wing aircraft. If that is the sort of info you were looking for, you found the right webpage. Enjoy and drop us a note if you have any questions.
Are the very heavens falling ???
Team Raptor takes to the skies of Sunny Florida
Meet the Mad Rocket Engineering Team
the rest of the Raptor-builders on the Yahoo Group site
in the world are the rest of the DragonFly builders hiding
Stuff Currently in Work
& some Old Stuff too.
Experimental Lycoming I0-290-GX1A Powerplant & Cowling
" X-Plane " Based Simulations & Animations
ANSYS FlowTran Based Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ) Simulations & Animations
Based Engineering Math Model for the Mark II
Dragonfly Aircraft.
Here are a few discussions that have warranted debate over the years .......
Airfoils that are used on the DragonFly and similar
Reynolds Number ( RN ) and its affect on
everything that flies.
Reflexing an Aerodynamic Control Surfaces
( as in servo tabs ).
Angle of Attack (AOA) of
as it pertains to Tandem Wing Aircraft.
" Chord lines " vs " Install lines
" vs " Level Lines " The Wing/Canard Installation Nightmare
Center of Gravity vs . Center of
lift ....... Do you
know the difference ? ? ?
Here are a few links that have warranted debate over the years .......
Links to other great
" DragonFly " sites
to the " DragonFlyList " chat group on Yahoo Groups
( This is where most of the Dragonfly builders are. Sign on is free to all.
to the " Raptor-Builders List " chat group on Yahoo
( This is where other Raptor builders are. Sign on is free to all. ( Plans by invitation only )
to the " X-Plane " chat group on Yahoo
( This is where you can fly simulated Dragondfly aircraft (including the Raptor). Sign on is free to all.
....... Know This ......
If you are here by choice,
Then you have truly stepped off the edge of the respectable world.
Oh yea, almost forgot........
This site was set up for a 17" monitor running 1024 x 768 SVGA, American English Language
Index page information was last updated on 04/21/04.
If you wish to contact the curator of this site, please click on the running pup below to send an e-mail. Errrrror correction and acknowledgements happen on a random basis.
If you just want to point out the editor's marginal grasp of the English language, remind him of spelling rules, or chime in that you think everything is wrong ........ Do Not Bother.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DISCLAIMER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
People that contribute to or draw from this site are in no way responsible for any construed or actual liability that may be resultant from any information or actions taken as a result of using any information from this site or any of the referenced sites. The stuff found on any and all of these pages is totally " EXPERIMENTAL " and is subject to at least four basic laws of information existence :
( 1 ) Information may be " in-part " or " completely " wrong,
( 2 ) The only constant in the information universe is change,
( 3 ) Access to information is not a guarantee to comprehension,
( 4 ) The information on this site cost you nothing to review, place value accordingly.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DISCLAIMER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
(1) Lets get a few facts straight : Scientist are the guys that dream up impossible nonsense and have no idea how to make it come to reality. Engineers are the guys that make things come true. Now we all know that rockets are real things and we have seen them fly. There may be " Propulsion Scientist ", but they don't know how to make a rocket fly. Anybody can draw a picture.............. it take an Engineer to get it working. So, you see, there really is only Rocket Engineers.