Over time, toxins build up in the body as the result of the pollutants
in the air we breathe, the chemicals in the food and water we consume,
and other means. Periodically, the body seeks to rid itself of these toxins,
and releases them from the tissues. The toxins then enter the bloodstream,
causing the body to experience a "low" or "down" cycle. During such a cycle,
you may suffer from headaches, diarrhea. or depression. Fasting is an effective
and safe method of helping the body detoxify itself and move through this
low cycle with greater speed and fewer symptoms. In fact fasting is recommended
for any illness, as it gives the body the rest it needs to recover. Acute
illnesses, colon disorders, allergies, and respiratory diseases are most
responsive to fasting, while chronic degenerative diseases are the least
responsive. By relieving the body of the work of digesting foods, fasting
permits the System to rid itself of toxins While facilitating healing.
But fasting is helpful not just in times of poor health or during the
body's low cycles. By fasting regularly, you give all of your organs a
rest, and thus help reverse the aging process and live a longer and healthier
life. During a fast:
The natural process of toxin excretion continues, While the influx of
new toxins is reduced. This results in a reduction of total body toxicity.
- The energy usually used for digestion is redirected to, immune function,
cell gross, and eliminatory processes.
- The immune systems workload is greatly reduced, and the digestive tract
is spared any inflammation due to allergic reactions to food.
- Due to a lowering of serum fats that thins the blood, tissue oxygenation
is increased and white blood cells are moved more efficiently.
- Fat stored chemicals, such as pesticides and drugs, are released.
- Physical awareness and sensitivity to diet and surroundings are increased.
Due to these effects of fasting, a fast can help you heal with greater
speed; cleanse your liver, kidneys, and colon; purify your blood;
help you lose excess weight and water; flush out toxins; clear the
eyes and tongue; and cleanse the breath. It is recommended that you fast
at least three days a month, and follow a ten-day fast at least twice a
Depending on the length of the fast, it accomplishes different things.
A three-day fast helps the body rid itself of toxins and cleanses the blood.
A five-day fast begins the process of healing and rebuilding the immune
system. A ten-day fast can take care of many problems before they arise
and help to fight off illness, including the degenerative diseases that
have become so common in our chemically polluted environment.
Certain precautions should be taken during fasts. First, do not
fast on water alone. An all water fast releases toxins too quickly
causing headaches and worse. Instead, follow the live-juice diet detailed
below, as this both removes toxins and promotes healing by supplying the
body with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Such a fast is also more
likely to lead to a continued healthy diet once the fast is over,
as it will accustom you to the taste of raw vegetables and the vitality that
this diet promotes. Second, whenever you fast for more than three days,
do so only under the supervision of a qualified health professional.
If you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, or another chronic health problem,
a doctor should supervise even short fasts. Pregnant and lactating women
should never fast.
A final word of advice: it took years to wear your body down,
and it will take time to build it back up to its peak condition. But believe
that it can be done. Then, whenever you start to feel unwell, fast
and feel better!
To prepare for the fast, eat only raw vegetables and fruits for two
days. This will make the fast less of a shock to the system.
While on the fast, consume at least eight ounce glasses of steam
distilled water a day, plus pure juices and up to 2 cups of herbal tea
a day. Dilute all juices with the water, adding about 1 part water
to 3 parts juice. Do not drink orange or tomato juice. and avoid all juices
made with sweeteners or other additives.
The best juice to use during your fast is fresh lemon juice.
Add the juice of one lemon to a cup of warm water. Fresh apple, beet,
cabbage, carrot, celery, and grape juices are also good, as are "green
drinks", which are made from green leafy vegetables. These green
drinks are excellent detoxificators. Raw cabbage juice is particularly
good for ulcers, cancer, and all colon problems. Just be sure to
drink the cabbage juice as soon as it is prepared. As this juice
sits, it loses its vitamin content.
Follow the juice-water-and-tea fast with a two-day diet of raw fruits
and vegetables. The desired effects of the fast can be ruined by
eating cooked foods immediately afterward. Because both the size
of the stomach and the amount of secreted digestive juices may decrease
during fasting, the first meals after a fast should be frequent and small.
Herbal teas may be consumed throughout the fast, once or twice
per day. Try the following teas:
- Use alfalfa, burdock, chamomile, dandelion, milk thistle, red
clover, and rose hips tea to rejuvenate the liver and cleanse the bloodstream.
Caution: Do not use chamomile on an ongoing basis, as ragweed
allergy may result. Avoid it completely if you are allergic to ragweed.
- Drink 2 parts pau d'arco and echinacea tea mixed with 1 part
unsweetened cranberry juice. Used four times a day, this will rebuild
the immune system, aid in bladder function, and rid the colon of unwanted
- Use peppermint tea for its calming and strengthening effect
on the nerves, and for indigestion, nausea, and flatulence.
- Use slippery elm tea for inflammation of the colon. This
tea also is beneficial when used as an enema solution.
Take 2 capsules of garlic twice a day. If you prefer a
liquid supplement, add the garlic oil to a cup of water. Garlic supplements
may be taken on a daily basis before, during, and after a fast to promote
overall health, aid in the healing process, and rid the colon of many types
of parasites.
If you must have something to eat during the fast, eat a piece
of watermelon. Always eat watermelon by itself, with no additional
foods. You can also try applesauce - fresh, not canned - made in
a blender or food processor. Leave the skin on the apples, and do
not cook them.
Take a fiber supplement on a daily basis before and after your
fast, but not during the fast. To promote cleansing of the colon
before and after your fast, be sure to make extra fiber a part of your
daily diet. Bran, especially oat bran, is an excellent source of
fiber. Try to avoid supplements containing wheat bran, as they may
be irritating to the colon wall. Psyllium seed husks and ground flaxseed
are other good quality fiber products. Be certain to accompany any
fiber capsule with a large glass of water, because the capsules expand
and soak up a good deal of water.
Do not chew gum while on the fast. The digestive process starts
when chewing prompts the body to secrete enzymes into the gastrointestinal
tract. If there is no food in the stomach for the enzymes to digest,
trouble occurs.
If desired, take spirulina during the fast. Spirulina is high
in protein and contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, plus chlorophyll
for cleansing. If you are using tablets, take 5 tablets three times
daily. If you are using powder, take 1 teaspoon three times daily,
mixing the powder with a cup of juice.
If you have hypoglycemia, never fast without using a protein
supplement. Spirulina, described above, is a good choice. Kyo-Green
from Wakunaga is also valuable. Before starting any fast, consult
a qualified health care professional.
If you are over sixty-five, or if you need daily supplements
for another reason, continue taking your vitamin and mineral supplements
during the fast. Older people need certain vitamins and minerals
daily. When you are drinking juices, reduce the dosage of supplements
that you take.
During a fast, as toxins are released from your body, you may
experience: fatigue; body odour; dry scaly skin; skin eruptions; headaches;
dizziness; irritability; anxiety; confusion; nausea; coughing; diarrhea;
dark urine; dark, foul-smelling stools; body aches; insomnia; sinus and
bronchial mucus discharge; and/or visual or hearing problems. These
symptoms are not serious, and will quickly pass. To alleviate any
of these symptoms, use a daily lemon juice enema to cleanse the colon,
and a daily coffee enema to rid the liver of impurities.
During your fast, be sure to get adequate rest. If necessary,
try napping during the day to recharge your batteries.
To make an excellent juice for healing many illnesses, juice
together 3 carrots, 3 kale leaves, 2 stalks celery, 2 beets, 1 turnip,
1/4 lb. spinach, 1/2 head cabbage, 1/4 bunch of parsley, 1/4 of an onion,
and 1/2 clove of garlic. If you don't have a juicer, place the vegetable
in a pure vegetable broth and gently boil them, adding no seasonings.
A cup of this juice may be substituted for any other juice while fasting.
Save the vegetables from the broth to eat after your fast. Remember
that no solid food is allowed during the fast.
During a fast, as toxins are released from your body, you will
probably experience a coated tongue and an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
To relieve this problem, try rinsing your mouth with fresh lemon juice.
If you are a denture wearer, keep your dentures in your mouth
throughout the fast to prevent shrinkage of the gums.
While fasting, continue your normal daily routine, including
moderate exercise. Avoid any strenuous exercise.
Be aware that when you fast during a low phase, you help your
body experience the "up" phase of the cycle - a period during which you
feel great. This occurs because the body has been cleansed of impurities.
However, when you start to pollute your body again, the toxins once again
begin to build up, and, in time, you will again have a low phase.
When this occurs, the fast should be repeated.
Before, during, and after your fast, use dry brush massages
to help rid the skin of toxins and dead cells. Perform the massage
with a natural bristle brush that has a long handle, so that you can reach
your back. Always brush toward the heart - from wrist to elbow, elbow
to shoulder, ankles to knees, knees to hips, and so on. This massage
will flake away large amounts of dead skin, freeing the pores of impediments,
and, in turn, helping the skin to excrete poisons. It will also greatly
improve circulation. Do not use this technique on areas
of the body affected by acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Also avoid brushing
areas that are broken or recently scarred, or that have protruding varicose
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