My Living Hell! Growing Up In The "Truth"
Jane Doe
Recovering Jehovah's Witness
Nashville, TN
>For A Great Support Group
>For More Information On The Organization Itself
This is my story and my experience. Those who know me personally, know who I am. For the privacy sake of others involved, I am not using my real name and names of others have been changed.
I am just one of a countless sea of people who have been raised in the religious group known as Jehovah's Witnesses. By posting this story, it is not my intention to paint the people of that organization as the evil enemy. Some of my horrible memories have nothing to do with the religion, but it was certainly covered up by them.
Many within that organization feel comfortable following that path and are happy with that decision. They should feel free to worship as they see fit. However, some children raised in this group may be put in dangerous situations by the parents who love them. The parents really do care and love their children, but this religion tends to warp the natural love one should have for the family.
There were many of us who were brought up in the organization and did not know anything other than this lifestyle and had no choice in the way we were raised. Have no doubt about it, it is a very controlling and restrictive way of life. As children, you are discouraged from pursuing advanced education. You are even in some instances encouraged to get baptized early, drop out of school at an early age, and plan on spending the rest of your life in the service to Jehovah. If you had dreams of being a famous person, forget it. If you wanted to just be a normal kid like everyone else and not stick out like a sore thumb, forget it.
I post my story on behalf of those who are growing up in that religion and want to know the consequences involved in leaving. Also for those who were raised in it, but as adults want to leave and don't know how or if they should. And to those who are thinking about joining this group and have children can read so they know what this religion looks like in the eyes of a child. And to all those who wonder about the children of the organization, teachers, sitters, social they can understand the young ones they may care for from time to time.
With that said, here is my story.
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Jane Doe.
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